Chapter 6: The gift and note from an old friend

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"I'm so sorry about the attack that happened when you were honoured guest here" said the king sadly "no problem your majesty it wasn't your fault it was Slivertung's" said Cameron "so where are you three off to now?" asked the king both Cameron and Malcolm looked at me "we are off to the Kagero kingdom to see an old friend of mistress Marron to get our dragon tamer" I said "what the Kagero kingdom that place is dangerous don't go there you'll be killed" said the king.

"Don't worry they know me because I've been there many times with mistress Marron so we'll be fine" I said. The next day in the afternoon Cameron, Malcolm and I had set out for the Kagero kingdom it took us two days to get three quarters of the way there "when are we going to get there?" complained Cameron and Malcolm "we just need to go over those two hills and we should see the Kagero kingdom" I said then both Cameron and Malcolm started to run up the hill to try to save some time.

When they got to the top of the second hill they were attacked by a red dragon who seemed to be in a bad mood "look out you guys" I yelled but it was too late the dragon used it's fire breath to try to burn them but out of nowhere came a loud roar but it didn't sound like an animal at all it sounded like a human yelling then the dragon fell out of the sky and hit the ground with a loud thud "are you lot all right" asked a voice behind us when I turned around there stood a dragonoid with dark red scales "Dylan is that you my boy?" said the man "yes it is Ordon it's been awhile hasn't it?" I replied. "who are your friends there Dylan?" asked Ordon.

"Oh this is Cameron Palamedes and Malcolm Ikutsu-hikone" I said "it is nice to meet you Ordon" said Cameron and Malcolm "it's very nice to meet you to" said Ordon with a big smile on his face "so what brings you lot here alone?" asked Ordon "Paladin castle has fallen and Marron is dead" said Cameron Ordon looked at me I had a sad look on my face "I'm sorry for yours lose Dylan are you going to be okay?" said Ordon, "yes thank you for your concerns" I said "come with me I have something that Marron gave me to give to you when she had died" said Ordon.

Five minutes later we were at Ordon's house "so what was the thing that mistress Marron gave you to give me?" I asked "Marron, the others and I were taking turns in looking after this till all of you were ready Dylan" replied Ordon "may we see it now Ordon?" asked Cameron "of course, William! can you bring out the package in the back out here for me please" yelled Ordon "sure I'm coming" said a voice from the back of the house then a boy dragonoid with orange red scales and brown horns that looks like they should be on a goat "here is what you asked for Ordon" said the boy "hay there William how have you been?" I said "Dylan, Dylan Zaharias is that you? I am doing great" replied William.

"Hay Dylan aren't you going to introduce us?" asked Cameron and Malcolm "oh this is William Wyvern an old friend of mine when I was a child" I answered "anyway here you are Dylan this is what Marron and the rest of us were looking after all these years to give to you guys when you were ready" said Ordon as he gave me a small wooden box I saw that it had a craving of a staff crossed over a spell book "this defiantly Marron's crest on the box, but what is in it?" I asked Ordon "It is something we found with all of you when we found you in that river all those years ago and it is only to be opened when one of us die" replied Ordon so I opened the box and inside was a note and six relics the relics were: a dragon hairpin, an eagle feather pen , a serpent ring, a dear flute, a tooth neckless and a brooch with all the zodiacs signs on it "what does the note say Dylan?" asked Cameron so I picked up the note and began to read it aloud it said.

Dare Dylan my precise boy if you are reading this that means I have left for the magical realm behind the vale the relics in this box must go to the six legendary warriors the dragon hairpin to the warrior of fire, the feather pen to the air warrior, the serpent ring to the water warrior, the dear flute to the earth warrior, the tooth neckless to the ice warrior and finely the zodiac brooch goes to you Dylan I've always known that you were the one to be the great warrior of the stars from the day your magic came to you. This box is special to because it isn't really a box but six spell books with a spell placed on them you just have to undo the spell by saying morphix endix. As soon as I spoke those words out loud the box started to glow and started to transform into a pile of golden light and started to reharden into six books with six different emblems on the covers there was a flame, water drops, a tree, a tornado, a snow flake and a shooting star. You and your friends will be in great danger from now on stay together and look after one another be safe on your journey my bright shining star love Marron.

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