chapter 7: the shadow riders

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"So who gets which book and relic?" asked Malcolm "well the book with the tornado and the feather pen go to you while the book with the tree and the flute go two Cameron and by the looks the book with the shooting star and the brooch are mine" I replied as soon as we touch the books they started to glow and I felt a rush of power go through my body "Ordon can you look after the other three books until we find the last three warriors please?" I asked "of course Dylan I'd love to" replied Ordon "William take the remaining three books out back would you please my boy?" asked Ordon "yes sir" replied William but as soon as he touched the book with the flame on it glow brightly "what's going on?" asked Malcolm "William my boy" said Ordon "William you're the fire warrior man" said Cameron "so that means the book of fire and the dragon hairpin are yours" I said.

"Can I count on you to look after the last two books and relics Ordon?" I asked "of course my boy I'll look after them best I can" replied Ordon. "Hay guys I found a spell that summons our elemental dragons do you guys want to try it out?" asked Cameron "yay" William, Cameron and I replied so we went outside we all opened our spell books and found the spell that allows us to summon our dragons and we all said "dragonic call!" for a little bit nothing happened "I guess we did it wrong" said Cameron then came a great roar from four different coloured dragons that flow over head as they landed we saw that they weren't physical dragons but energy dragons a red energy dragon for William, a grey energy dragon for Malcolm, a green energy dragon that was meant for Cameron and a clear black dragon with shining spots for me.

"Hay guys it says we have to give them names to call them without the spell "Flame for mine" said William "Grandina will be a perfect name for mine" said Malcolm "Leaf will be the name of mine" said Cameron "Leaf really isn't that a bit boring?" said Malcolm "I don't see any problems with that name" said Cameron "I'll call mine Cosmos" I said "that's a nice name for that dragon of yours Dylan" said Ordon "Ordon how long have you been standing there for?" ask Cameron "just a little bit why don't you go for a fly on your new friends?" suggested Ordon.

"Great idea Ordon I think we will" Said Cameron "carful how you mount them if their anything like real dragons there is a specific way to mount them" said William once mounted we tried to get the dragons to fly but they wouldn't leave the ground "why won't they leave the ground?" complained Malcolm then I had an idea I yelled "take to the sky Cosmos" then Cosmos flow into the sky and the others followed my lead "this is amazing" yelled Cameron "I know right this is how we fell all the time" said William for a few hours we flew around the kingdom then as we returned we heard a yell from Ordon and William's house that rang out throughout the kingdom "that was Ordon's voice" said William "we must hurry back to the house" I yelled. When got back to Ordon and William's house we arrived to see it had burst into flames "Ordon where are you? Ordon!" yelled William "over there!" said Cameron we all looked to where he was pointing to see Ordon lying motionless on the ground but still alive "Ordon who did this to you?" I asked "(cough) it was the shadow riders" Said Ordon before passing out.

"The shadow riders who are the shadow riders?" asked Malcolm "we are the shadow riders" said a voice from above when we looked up there flying on three boys on three black wyverns "why did you attack Ordon you punks?" yelled William "we heard that he had something for the six warriors but refused to give them to us so we gave him a chance to reconsider but he didn't so we burnt his house to the ground" said the one who seemed to be the leader "who are you what are your names?" asked Malcolm "my name is Axle shadowstone and these are my younger brothers Liam shadowstone and Marcus shadowstone and together we are the shadow riders" said Axle "you'll pay for what you did to Ordon you monsters" yelled William "I'll like to see you try" said Axle then he, Liam and Marcus started to laugh "you won't be laughing for long" said Cameron "fine then brothers attack" ordered Axle "fire ball shower" yelled the three brothers.

Just before they attacked I said "I don't think so" I said and then I started to recite a spell "stars of the havens come to our aid and protect us from what may try to hurt us, Force Field Maximus!" then a force field of stars appeared in front of my friends and I. "What how did you do that?" said Liam "I won't let you hurt anymore of my friend" I yelled "you can try to stop us if you can weakling" said Marcus "one more time brothers" said Axle "yay" said Liam and Marcus this time they flow up high and casted "fire ball meteor shower!" said the three brothers then a shower of meteors came falling towards us "oh stars of the havens and moon of the light protect us from what may hurt us, Force Field Maximus Extremus!" I yelled than the force field of stars appeared again but it was a bit different from before because right in the centre of the force field was the moon in the same shape it was in the sky "that is impossible how did he stop our strongest spell" said Marcus in a surprised way "like I said before I won't let you hurt anymore of my friends" I said while glaring at them.

"We aren't scared of you or your friends" said Axle "Cameron, Malcolm and William stand back I don't want you guy getting hurt" I said to them. "okay but what about you?" asked William "I'm going to stay here and keep these guys busy so you can escape and take Ordon to a doctor, now go" I said "we'll come right back to help you as soon as we can alright" said William "are you sure that you wanted to do that without your friends you can't win" said Axle "oh I'm sure I can hold you off for a while" I replied "you're going to regret those words kid!" said Marcus "I don't think so because you haven't seen my true power yet" I said "CELESTIAL GARMENTS Sagittarius the archer and also open gate of the golden archer Sagittarius" I said "what the hell he's a celestial mage?" said Axle "that impossible" said Liam "their all meant to be dead" said Marcus then Sagittarius and I started to pull back the strings on our bows formed a golden arrows with star tip and I said "twin shooting star shoot" "what the hell how can he have this much power" said Axle.

"Who cares let's get out of the way of his shoot" said Liam "it's already too late the shoot it coming stearate at us!" said Marcus and the shoot hit all three of the shadow rider brothers them and their wyverns came crashing down to the ground "thank you Sagittarius for your help" I said "I aim to please" he said without looking at me " Sagittarius I've told you if you want to talk to me look at me" I said frustrated "sorry old habits die hard" he said "(sigh) you can go now" I said "call on me at any time" he said before he disappeared "how can there still be a celestial mage still alive?" Axle said weakly "what do you mean by that?" I asked him "our father won't be happy about this" he said suddenly out of nowhere the winds picked up into a violent storm as a dark shadow appeared "speak of the devil and he shall appear this is our master and father the great and powerful shadow mage Shannon the destroyer" said Axle.

The Adventure Of The Forgotten Kingdomexcape from Paladin CastleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu