chapter 9: the realistic dream

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So after four day Ordon was well enough to travel we headed out for the next kingdom "so which kingdom are we going to this time Dylan?" asked Ordon "we're going to the Aqua Force kingdom next" I replied "isn't the Aqua Force kingdom under water?" said Malcolm "not really, they have two castles one under the sea and one on land but it is hidden" I said "well let's get going then boys" said Ordon. It took us four days to get three quarters of the way there that night "let's set camp here for the night and get some rest" I said "how much theatre to the Aqua Force kingdom?" asked Malcolm "we should arrive at the border line tomorrow afternoon" said Ordon.

"We should get some sleep we've got a big day tomorrow so good night everyone" I said as I went into my tent "good night Dylan" said Ordon as he and the others entered their tents. While in my tent I was reading my spell book and came across an interesting spell "the site beyond site spell" I said out loud I read over the words than said them out loud "crystals eyes of the blue night sky let me see that is unseen to the present eye" but nothing happened "I guess I did it wrong" I said then I put my book away and went to sleep but when I fell to sleep I was in a creepy old castle and in the throne room sitting in the throne was Shannon and he seemed angry "farther can I talk to you please?" said a voice from behind me I turn to see Axle with a scar on his face that wasn't there at the end of our last battle. "What is it Axle this better be good" said Shannon "well it's how we lost" said Axle. "Very well than speak" ordered Shannon "well my brothers and I went to where you told us to attack but there were these four boys who tried to stop us and so we used fire ball storm to attack them but that kid that you talked to use some sort of force field to stop us I think it was force field maximus, so when that didn't work we decided to use fire ball meteor shower but that to also failed because he used another defensive spell called force field maximus extremus and blocked our shot yet again then he summoned a celestial spirit and changed him clothes with another spell I think it was call Celestial Garments" said Axle "wait did you say Celestial Garments?, then he is a celestial mage I'm sorry for yelling at you my son" said Shannon "that's fine farther I'm glad that you believe me now" said Axle then Shannon looked like he got a shock in the back of his neck "we aren't alone there is someone else here " said Shannon I was surprised that he could sense me then in pure fear I woke up.

I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night and so in the morning I was less than agreeable "hay Dylan are you okay, did you get any sleep last night?" asked William "not really because I cast a spell and saw Axle and his farther Shannon last night and was too scared to go back to sleep at all" I replied "really what spell did you cast" asked Malcolm "it was called site beyond site" I replied "let's see site beyond site it's not in my book" said Malcolm "maybe it's only in your book Dylan that only the star warrior can use" said Ordon "yay but I don't think I'll be using it all the time if I want to get some sleep" I said "wait may I see the spell please Dylan" asked Malcolm.

"Sure here it is" I said while Malcolm looked over the spell we continued to talk about my vision "ah here it is by the look of the spell you can use it at any time of the day but is stronger at night" said Malcolm "that must be why it was as if I felt a strong presences when I cast the spell" I said "there are two other spells that may be some help to you Dylan" said Malcolm "really what are they" I asked "they're called Lone Star and Star Dust by what I've read in your book Star Dust is a healing spell while Lone Star is the best defensive spell for the sixth warrior of the stars" said Malcolm. "So your saying that I have powerful spells" I said "yay but only the first few pages have writing on them the rest are blank" said Malcolm.

"Maybe because I'm not ready for them just yet" I suggested then all the others looked through their books and found out that some of the pages in their books are blank as well "but why are the books mostly blank. "There must be a reason that the books are choosing not to show us more spells" said William "yay your probably right" said Malcolm "we should keep moving on if we want to get to the border of the Aqua Force kingdom by night fall" I said a few minutes later I heard astrange sound and then out of nowhere a strange beast with no eyes jumped out of the woods and attacked us "what is that thing?" asked Cameron while dodging an attack "I don't know what kind of creature it is I've never seen one before"said Malcolm while dodging its tail "it must be one of Shannon's monsters for the castle I saw in my vision" I said.

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