chapter 12: the rude celestial spirit

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The next morning, I woke up to the smell of cooking eggs "something smells good" I said as I was coming out of my tent "ah good morning Dylan, how did you sleep?" asked Ordon "like a baby I was a little scared to go to sleep because of what happened yesterday" I replied "don't worry about it come and have some breakfast to help you wake up" said Ordon "don't mind if I do" I said then started laughing with Ordon. When everybody else was awake we set out for the Aqua Force kingdom "so how do we get there from this bank?" asked William "with a little help from a friend" I replied "are you going to summon Aquarius Dylan?" asked Malcolm "no" I replied "then who are you going to summon?" asked Cameron. "You'll see, OPEN! gate of the river spirit, Eridanus" I said while putting my hand on the top of the water then the water started to swirl around and around like a whirlpool and from the centre of the pool shot up a boy with long white waving hair and ocean blue eyes "what is it you need of me today master?" said Eridanus.

"I've told you many times to spot calling me master" I said "sorry but it won't go away so easily master" said Eridanus "so who is this Dylan?" asked Malcolm "oh this is Eridanus the river spirit" I replied "and how can he help us get to the Aqua Force kingdom?" said Cameron "he can make an air sphere to help us breath underwater" I said "really that is great but what about we dragonoid who are weakened by water" said William "don't worry Eridanus will be there to look after you" I said. "Oh yay that is real reinsuring" said Ordon "don't sound so mistrustful or he will get upset and hurt you" I said.

"Now what do you need from me master Dylan?" said Eridanus "I need you to make an air sphere around the group so we can go to the underwater kingdom of Aqua Force please" I asked. "As you wish master Dylan" said Eridanus "still going with the master thing, just call me Dylan okay Eridanus" I said "sorry but I can't change my ways master Dylan" said Eridanus. "Can we move along I don't want another monster to attack us again so can we hurry this up please?" asked Malcolm "I agree with Malcolm so let's go" said Cameron impatiently "don't command my master" said Eridanus "it's okay Eridanus their just worried about what happened yesterday a monster attacked us" I told Eridanus "still that gives them no reason to tell you what to do they are underlings compared to you master" said Eridanus "now that is quite enough now Eridanus" I said angrily "please forgive me master I didn't mean to offend you or your friends" said Eridanus.

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