chapter 13: the twin spirits

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"Know make an air sphere around us so we can continue on our way please" I demanded Eridanus "as you wish master Dylan" said Eridanus then the water from the ocean started to form a sphere around us then Eridanus and I started to walk into the water. "Are you sure that this sphere won't break under the pressure of the water?" asked Ordon and William "don't worry about that the sphere is as strong as the one who summoned the spirit that made it" I said "that is quite right my air sphere is as strong as master Dylan is" said Eridanus "okay then let's go" said Cameron.

So then we started to walk down to the bottom of the ocean floor to walk to the Aqua Force kingdom "what is that coming striate at us?" asked Malcolm as I looked at where Malcolm was pointing I saw it was Liam and Markus "split up now!" I shouted "but we can't breathe underwater" said Malcolm "don't worry I can make multiple air spheres" said Eridanus then all the others ran in different directions and the sphere separated into five different spheres. Then Malcolm tried to cast a spell "air slicer" and then he through his arms at the two boys but the attack didn't work "why didn't my spell work?" said Malcolm "air spells don't work underwater there is no air here" said Ordon.

"Well, look what we have here it's those stupid kids that dare go against our farther" said Markus "what are you two doing here without your leader?" I said "he's not with us because he is too afraid to do what needs to be done and he's afraid of what farther would do" said Liam. "so you came by yourselves to try and beat us huh" I said "yay we did" said Liam. "No more talking it's time to fight" said Marcus then Marcus held up his hands said "origin pulse" then a surge of water energy came shooting out of his hands "Dylan put up that force field you used last time you fought them with last time!" said Malcolm "I can't it needs to be at least midday for me to use it" I replied.

"How are we meant to block their attacks?" said Cameron "don't you have any defensive spells in your spells of your own?" I said "let me check" said Cameron "let's give Cameron some time to look for a spell he can use" I said. Ordon and William swam away from attacks they trough at them because they were afraid of what might happen to their air spheres "I found a spell that can work underwater" said Cameron "then use it all ready" said Malcolm. "Okay but I'll need the help of William to do the spell" said Cameron "I'm on my way to you now Cameron" said William then Cameron showed William the spell then Carmon and William stood back to back and cast the spell "oh fire from below mix with the earth and swallow thy enemy's in molten lava, volcanic eruption!" said William and Cameron.

Then the ground started to shake and crack until the ground burst open and lava engulfed both Liam and Marcus but both Liam and Marcus together put up a water force field. "what how did you do that?" said Cameron in surprise "Liam and I are the defensive fighters of the shadow riders" said Marcus "so then why didn't you use any defensive spells when you last fought with us?" I asked them "because we were with Axle so we thought that defence spells weren't needed" replied Liam. "Well then don't you know any attack spells that just the two of you can pull off huh?" I said "what are you doing Dylan do you want them to attack us?" said Cameron "I'm buying time so Ordon can get some help" I said "but Ordon is right there" said Cameron.

"Is that Ordon or is it someone else" I said "what do you mean" said Cameron "okay Gemini I think it's time for you shed your disguise and show them what you truly look like" I said then in a flash of light Ordon disappeared and in his place stood a little boy and girl around the age of twelve "what, where the hell is your older dragonoid friend?!" said Marcus "right here" said Ordon when the two brothers turned around to see Ordon and the royal guards "you may have won this round but next time you will lose" said Liam and Marcus.

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