chapter 17: the interrupted battle

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Once I open the door I was face to face with Damian his smile faded and turned into a frown "what are you doing here?" asked Damian "here visiting an old friend and you?" I replied "I'm here to win the heart of the lovely Kaytlyn" said Damian who tock a bow towards Kaytlyn who turned away. "it seems she not interested in going with you" I said "fine as long as you're here I challenge you to a rematch for her hand" demanded Damian "sigh, fine if it is what it will take for you to leave Kaytlyn alone you're on" I replied then Damian's smile returned "the colosseum tomorrow at noon" said Damian before walking away "I'll be there" I replied.

The next morning the others and I went to the colosseum at 11:55 "five more minutes till your battle with Damian, are you ready?" asked Ordon "yah I'm ready" I said unhappily "you don't have to do this you know" said Malcolm "it's too late to turn back now" I said five minutes later the others entered the colosseum through the main entrance and I tock the fighters entrance that lead to the field in the colosseum where Damian was waiting "ready to lose Dylan?" asked Damian I laughed "not on your life Damian" I replied Damian got very angry "you can do it Dylan" yell my friends up in the balcony.

"Enough chit chat let's get on with the fight" then out of nowhere Damian jumped into action with some wild kicks and punches but half of them almost hit there marks the others missed the half that almost connected were blocked. "You've gotten better than last time, last time all your shots missed me by miles" I said "well I have been practising if you haven't noticed" said Damian with a look of pride on his face "okay then how about we start using our magic the Damian?" I asked "sure why not I wanted to show you how much I've improved over these past few years" said Damian.

Then Damian started to raise his hands and clap them together before slamming them into the ground "Earth Style, Rock Fist Mayhem yelled Damian then huge fists of rocks came out of the ground everywhere I jumped to "nicely done but I don't have to be on the ground to use my magic" I told him "then by all means go ahead" said Damian "okay you asked for it" I replied then I raised my hand to the sky "I learnt this in the battle yesterday, OPEN GATE OF THE TWIN FISH, Pisces" I yelled then with a flash of light two giant serpents were swimming above me silence fell over the colosseum "When did Dylan Learn how to summon Pisces?" asked Cameron "it must have been yesterday when Dylan's powers were about to run out" said Malcolm.

That's not fare" yelled Damian then everybody looked at him "this was meant to be my moment and you one upped me again with this" complained Damian "this was your idea remember Damian? you asked for this not me" I replied. Then I pointed at Pisces "OPEN GATE OF THE TWIN FISH, Pisces" I said "what but Pisces is already here you can't summon him twice" said Damian confusedly "yes that is true but Pisces has one more form than just the two serpents you see before you" I said then Pisces started to glow and transform "their second form is a mother and her son" I said as the light around Pisces disappeared and in their place were two humans and middle aged lady with black hear and scales and a teenaged boy with white hear and scales.

"There is only one reason why we were summoned here in this form" said the lady "yah to take out the enemy in style" said the boy the they launched themselves at Damian the female Pisces attacked with water while the boy Pisces attacked with a trident. They were just about to finish it when the dome started to shake "what's going on?" asked Cameron "look up there" said Ordon who was pointing at the top of the dome there was a giant leviathan "what, why is there a leviathan attacking our kingdom?" asked Kaytlyn then I spotted a symbol of a black star on the side of its body "guys! It's one of Shannon's minions" I said.

"What are we meant to do now?" asked Ordon "we must try to get everybody out of the kingdom as fast as we can" I replied "but what about the leviathan?" asked Cameron I thought for a moment then my head snapped up "Damian can you get the people evacuated out of the kingdom?" I asked him he looked mad about this "fine, we'll finish this later" said Damian as he ran off towards the entrance "Ordon, Cressida you go to" I said "what about you lot?" asked Ordon as I turn around a light surrounded me and my clothes started to change "CELESTIAL GARMENTS, Pisces, we'll deal with the leviathan" I replied as the others stood beside me.

Then we sprang into action "Kaytlyn I need your help" I said "okay sure Dylan" replied Kaytlyn "guys keep it distracted okay" I yelled "on it!" all three replied "what is it you need Dylan?" asked Kaytlyn "there is a spell in my book and yours that are meant for us to do together and here it is" I replied "Milky Way what does it do?" asked Kaytlyn "by what it says here it powers up the others and deals damage to the enemy" I replied then we both stood back to back and held hands and said "spirts of water and star lend our friends power and harm our enemies, Milky Way!" we shouted as we reached up to the sky. "Where did all this strength come from I feel stronger" said Malcolm "so do I" said Cameron and William will the leviathan looked too weak to attack "Kaytlyn put up air spheres around us all" I said "can I do that?" said Kaytlyn nervously "yes you can believe in yourself" I said with a smile "okay I'll try, air bubbles!" said Kaytlyn then air spheres appeared around us "okay guys hit it with everything you have" I yelled to them "Earth slicer" said Cameron "Sonic Screech" yelled Malcolm "Blue Flame" yelled William.

All three attacks collided on the glass of the air sphere breaking it and hitting the leviathan right in the centre and sent it flying up and out of the water. "The air sphere is broken we must get out of here as fast as we can" said Kaytlyn we all ran to the kingdoms back gate where Ordon, Damian and Cressida were all getting the last of the people evacuated "what happened to the sphere?" asked Cressida "we accidently broke it" said Malcolm, Cameron and William "that doesn't matter right now we have to get out of here" said Kaytlyn.

"Not without the orb that protects us" said a woman behind us "please your majesty we must leave now" said Cressida "I'll go get it" I told her "how Dylan? You can't just teleport there and back" said Malcolm "I have a spell I can use at this point" I replied then I took a few steps and jumped into the air "Meteor!" I yelled as I did I began to glow and fly as fast as a meteor I flow away to the centre of the kingdom and grabbed the orb.

As soon I touch the orb I wasn't in the AquaForce Kingdom anymore I was in Shannon's castle "WHAT! The Leviathan was defeated and the fifth member has appeared" shouted Shannon "yes farther that is right" said Axle as he kneeled before his farther with his brothers beside him "get out of my sight" said Shannon "as you wish father" said Axle as he and his brothers walked out "how long are you going to stand there Aidan Frost"said Shannon then out of the shadow beside the throne came a tigeroid boy the same age as me with black wild hair and cat like ears "sorry for dropping in without permission my lord" said Aidan "so you heard about the five legendary warriors that are going against us to bring this world to peace" said Shannon"I did and I'll stop them if I ever meet them" said Aidan "you and your friends may have won this battle this time but you won't win the next" said Shannon ashe stared at the area where I was floating then he disappeared and I was on dryland inside a tent.

The Adventure Of The Forgotten Kingdomexcape from Paladin Castleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें