[1 - New house]

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"Mom, this is the third time we've moved." I said.

"Alyssa, I know we kicked your," She took a deep breath before continuing. "Father out of the house after I found out he cheated," she continued. "But there are too many memories of that asshole in that building, and he bought Ms. Samantha's old house, which is down the street from our old place.
I want to stay as far away from that asshole as possible." She explained.

I felt so bad for mom. She loved dad, but when she saw him cheat, with her best friend, she was heartbroken, and she kicked him out of the house. She got a divorce with him the following day.
"So, this is the new house?" I asked as I looked at our new home.

"Mom, this house is great!" I told her excitedly. "I knew I was good at picking out homes. I'm good at everything." Said my mom in response.

I was also happy that my mother was finally free from him, yes, I'm using the word 'free'.
He was abusive. Once, while he was drunk, he smashed a beer bottle on my mother's head because she refused to buy him more alcohol. He would drink too much, at least 10 full bottles a day. I was surprised he wasn't dead yet.

"So... what school am I going to?" I asked her.
She answered. "BlackCreek Secondary School."

"Remember, no dating those 'bad boy' kids! Or anyone with tattoos. If you get a boyfriend that was anything similar to that cheating bastard when he was 17, you aren't gonna see your beloved phone for the next 5 months. I'm not kidding. And if you do date (which will never happen because you're weird), he better have straight A's or B's. He has to be attractive, too. I ain't letting no loser near you!" She explained.

"Mom!" I blushed.
"You're too protective. I'm not the little Alyssa anymore. I can make my own decisions and decide who are the right people to hang out with, but even so, thank you for at least trying to make sure I'm okay." I explained.

"Alright, but I just want you to be happy and I don't want you ending up with a bad guy." She said.
Poor mom. She just wanted the best for me, and she wanted my life to be better than hers.

"Let's go inside!" She said as I followed her to the front door. She unlocked it, and we took a step inside. As soon as we entered the house, we just stood there, and stared at it in awe.

It was amazing. There were large stairs that greeted us when we walked in. There was a big kitchen on my right that extended into a living room. To my left, there was an office. I went there. There were shelves full of books! It was like a heaven for me! I glanced at each book, they were sorted out by genres. Soon, I found my favourite one. HORROR! In the office, there was a large, white sofa that stood against the wall. I took the book out, and read the first page.

My eyes widened and my heart raced while I read the first chapter. "Horrifying, and I love it!" I said while placing the book back into the shelf.

I went upstairs, and into my new bedroom. "Woah, this is big." I said as I walked into the room. My mom came in my room, and said "Yeah, it really is. We have to construct your bed, and other furniture. Let's start now." We attempted to build my bed again, and we succeeded. We moved on to the rest of the furniture. Soon after, my room was almost complete. "We did a good job!" I said as I gave my mom a high-five. My mom left my room shortly after.

I decided to start making my bed. I unfolded the sheets, and covered the mattress with them, and then I put the fuzzy, white blanket my mom gave me when I was little. I slept with this blanket ever since I was a toddler, so it was special to me. I also used it to hide from my dad when he was drunk.

I placed the pillows over my blanket, and I hung fairy lights along the wall above my bed. "Perfect." I said to myself. I continued decorating the rest of my bedroom to pass the time.

After I was done, I went downstairs and said "Mom, I'm gonna go outside for a walk. See ya soon!" as I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door. "Bye, Lyss!" She said as I went outside.

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