[14 - Confessions]

16 6 10

Ren was not safe! This is all my fault! Should I warn him? --no! He'll think I'm crazy-- But He'll be in danger!

"Argh!" I yelled. What was I supposed to do?!


12:03 PM

I stared at the inside of my locker. It was pretty normal. Just filled with books, and on the door of the locker there were two pictures. One of me and a girl supposedly named Hannah, because at the corner of the picture, there was a strip of tape with the words, "Me and Hannah! ".
The second image was of me with two girls named Bella and Liana, and Aaron, Ren, and a boy named Corren.

I stared at the pictures for a while. A fuzzy image of me smiling with two girls at another school entered my mind.

'Could I have been at another school before? With other friends?' I thought. I probably did.

Well, I couldn't get too into that, I had classes to attend, after all.

1:28 PM...

I had to draw something that gave a message to the people viewing the art piece. 'Well, this should be easy enough.' I thought to myself.

For the project, I decided to draw something I thought some people could relate to.

I drew a girl, but I split the page in half. On one side, I drew a girl smiling, and she was wearing make up. On the other, it was the same girl, but this time, she was washing her face, only to reveal hurtful words written across her face.

Probably no one would understand my message, or maybe a few will.



I was at the park, when I saw Ren there. "Oh, hey... I wasn't expecting you here..." He said. I playfully pushed his shoulder. "Stop lying! You asked me where I would be after school!" I said, smiling. "I have been caught! Oh No! What will happen to me?!" He said dramatically.

"I am going to be tortured by this evil woman, and I'll never see my family and my friends ever again!" He fake cried.

"Oh, Shut up! I am not going to torture you!" I argued. "Yes you will." He winked.

"No, I won't!"

"Yes, you will!" He said playfully.

"No I won't!!" I yelled and shoved him. He almost fell because of me. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" He asked. I looked up at him, confused.

"What the hell? I pushed you! I'm the one that's supposed to be asking you if you're alright!" "Oh, okay." He said, and fell on purpose. He winked at me.

"Now you can ask me if I'm alright." He cheered. I extended my arm. "GET UP." I pulled him up, although he could've gotten up by himself. "Thank you!" He patted my head. "Grrr..."


A few hours had passed, and night had already come. I was still with Ren at the park. "Oh, hey Alyssa! Ren..." Aaron smiled at me, but glared at Ren.

"No worries, I was about to leave. Goodbye, Alyssa. Have a pleasant evening." Ren said to me, and returned Aaron's glare as he left the park.

"Sorry, Lyss." Aaron said.

"What was that all about?" I asked suspiciously. I could see a tiny bead of sweat on his forehead. He exhaled.

"Me and Ren... We're not exactly on the best of terms with one another." He said, scratching his the back of his neck.

Aaron Andrews

--flashback from a month ago--

I gripped the collar on Ren's shirt.
"You stay away from Alyssa." I said to him forcefully.

"Why? If I stay away from her you should, too. I have no reason to block myself from Alyssa." He said.

"We both have feelings for her, but you have a bad past. It would be dangerous for her to stay with you. She has a bad past aswell, the both of you wouldn't go well together. I have a good history, and I can bring a light into her world." I said, smirking. Ren ducked under my arm, grabbed it, and twisted it against my back. I groaned from the pain.

"Oh, so I can't be with her because of my past, huh? What about you? You can't bring a light into her world. If anything, you'll block the light, or steal it from her life." He smirked.

"She doesn't belong to either of us, so I suggest you shut your mouth, Aaron."

--end of flashback--

"But it's fine, don't worry about it." I said, smiling. "Okay. So, what's up with you?" She asked. Her smile was beautiful. It made my heart beat quicker than usual. "Eh, nothing much." I lied. I wanted to tell her how I felt, and I wanted to do it now.



"How do you feel about Killian?" I asked. "Ren? Honestly, I don't really know." She said. "Well, good." I told her. Confusion cloaked her eyes. I held her hands.

"Ever since I met you... " I started. I couldn't find the right words.

"Aaron, what is it? You can tell me anything." She said. "Alyssa, ever since I met you, I thought you were amazing. You're kind, and you have the perfect amount of sass, which I think is great. You care so much about others, and won't hesitate to help them. You're beautiful, not just outside, but inside as well. What I'm trying to say is..."

"I care so much about you, and I'd do anything to please you. I love you, and I want you to he happy for the rest of your life. I'd give up anything for you. Alyssa, would you be my girlfriend?"


Author's note: Oooh, No! It's the cliff, and the hanger. I am SO sorry for what happened to the story, it may seem like it's going nowhere, but trust me, I have everything planned out. If you're wondering when the whole "school attack" thing will happen, it's actually going to start NEXT CHAPTER! :D
Bye now! ♡

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