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Dear whoever's reading this,

So you must be wondering why I have another announcement to make, right? Well, I'm going to stop writing AMBER. I've lost all ideas for new chapters. There were so many things I wanted to add, yet adding them would've made the story worse, more confusing, and less interesting.

I also hated most of the things I added in some chapters.

Like the whole "Alyssa having visions" thing? Yeah, It's not gonna work.

Aaron making Ren do everything for him? That just makes Aaron look like an asshole, and that's not what I originally wanted for him.

Multiple points of view? Okay, how many times did I have that? Let's see... 5. TOO MANY.

Alyssa mentioning her ex ONCE and he doesn't even show up in a way? He doesn't do what SOME strange cheaters (He cheated) do; message their ex saying they want them back. But then again, I don't wanna have a crazy ex and a cliché book 😂

I'm not sure if I should apologize, but I'm won't because I honestly don't regret deciding to stop writing THIS version. (I'm writing ANOTHER one!) The first names of some characters will be different in the new book, but the last names will be the same.

Alyssa = Renee
Anna = Rosanna
Ren = Ace
Aaron... is still Aaron.
Bella = Sophia (Sophiecake1008, you're welcome 😉)
Liana = Camila
Corren = Shawn

(I know this is random but I'm listening to "Hey Brother" by Avcii, and I get sad when listening to his songs because he unfortunately committed suicide. I loved his music, and his songs had so much meaning to me. R.I.P. 💔😭)


UPDATE: I'm not going to make the re-write. I legit can't get any ideas, so I'm going to delete it.

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