[16 - Taken]

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A/N: I felt like the song above sort of described what Alyssa is going through. And thank you to Avalon_14 for trying to help me find songs for this chapter!


I woke up in a dark room. 'What?! How did I get here?!' Suddenly, everything came back, one by one. It had actually happened:

My visions were real, and I wasn't making those up.

17 hours earlier...

I was running down the hallway, trying to find the others to make sure they were okay. Many students were pushing and shoving others out of their way so they could try to escape the school. It was absolute chaos. People were screaming, being punched by the attackers, and being forced to tell them where I was. Moving here was the biggest mistake I've ever made. I saw a tall, dark figure somewhere in the crowd of people. The figure was coming for me.

I ran as fast as I could. Since I watched a lot of horror movies and seen how the idiots in the movie act, you'd think I could get out of this alive, but no. I can't even make up my mind. All I want is for everyone to be safe, but that's not happening. Because of me existing. I couldn't remember anything else. All I remember is someone taking me.

Back to the Present

"You're awake. " Someone in front of me said. "W-who are you?!" I yelled. Was this the person behind all of it? He crouched down to meet my eyes. "Do you really think I'd tell you that?" He asked. Half of his face was covered, but I could see his eyes. They were a crystal blue. The colour of an ocean.

I skipped straight to the point. "Were you the one behind the school attack?!" I questioned. He laughed, and then responded. "Oh, dear, I was part of it. That's all the information you're getting. The only thing I can here for was to check on you." "But why? Why were you part of it?"

He sighed, and then turned to the doors. "I said it was all the information you were getting, didn't I? I'll be leaving, now." He said, walking out the door, and locking it. 'Who the hell was he?' I thought.


After what felt like hours, the door slammed open. This time, the man's whole face was covered. He was taller than the other one. "Alyssa Laurent." He said. His voice was louder and deeper. It sounded familiar, but I forgot about the fact. "What do you want from me?"I spat out in anger. He hit me hard across the cheek. "Do not use that tone on me, you b*tch!" He yelled. I brought my knees to my chest in fear. He laughed. "Doing that won't protect you." He said and then grabbed my arm, and yanked me up to meet my gaze. He saw all the fear in my eyes, which made him smirk. This way, I could see his eyes clearer. They were amber, and some wrinkles surrounded the edge of his eyes.

He then threw me back to the cold, hard ground. "...Why... are you doing this ...to me?" I said in between pauses. "Because someone like you doesn't deserve to live!" He shouted. "But I didn't do a-" He punched me before I got to finish my sentence. He kicked me, and I flinched in pain. "Argh!"

"Shut up!" He yelled. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up again. He took one long look into my eyes, and then punched my face again. Tears started pouring out of my eyes. He punched me again. "Don't cry!" He forced. I lifted my arms and quickly wiped my tears. "P-Please... Stop!" I begged. "Stop? My, we haven't even started!" He grinned, and pulled out a knife from his pocket. I squeezed my eyes shut, and tried to escape to a place in my mind.


Ren Killian

I was at home, sitting on the couch that I destroyed. The fabric was ripped, and the fluff from the cushion was all over the place. I ruined it in anger. 'I'm so damn stupid!' I said to myself. I lost Alyssa. I let that person take her. I hate myself. I regret everything. Every single tiny thing I do that led up to this.


I decided to go back to the park where me and Alyssa first saw each other, along with our friends. I let out a long sigh, and pulled my head back to look at the gray sky. I heard someone's footsteps and quickly turned my head to see who it was.

'Ah, It's the world's biggest asshole of the century!' I think. He gives me a small glare, and then begins to speak.


"Aaron." I respond.

"Why didn't you help Alyssa? Why didn't you at least try to do something that could save her?!" He yelled. "The last time I checked, I didn't see you anywhere near Alyssa or in the school when that happened, smartass!" I yelled even louder. He grunts. "I didn't think anything bad would happen to her until I saw someone chase her." He said. I narrowed my eyes at him, anger filling my mind.

"Chased her? You saw it? YOU WITNESSED EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED, YET YOU STILL DECIDE TO ASK ME WHY I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING?!" I shouted in response. "Listen! I know! I acted like a horrible person, but I wasn't thinking straight! Please, just help me..." He explained, looking away.

"Help you with what?" I asked sternly.

"I want to find Alyssa. I need to know that she's okay." He said, looking me in the eye.

"So do I, but how exactly would we find her? We don't even know who took her! This isn't easy or simple like in those idiotic films!" "I know that! I'm not an idiot-" I cut him off completely.

"An idiot is exactly what you are. I've had enough of you, Aaron. You expect me to do everything for you, and then you'll take credit for everything in hopes that Alyssa will just waltz into your arms and you'll be with her for eternity. You should just stop all of this. As much as it pains me to say this, we both know we can't do anything. I suggest you leave now, I'm allergic to your bullsh*t."


A/N #2: I just wanted to apologize for updating a bit late. I'm currently writing/editing this chapter in my car because I'm going to a music festival and I'll probably publish this chapter when I get home. Sorry, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter, even if it was just a tiiiiiny bit!

(Thank you so much for 500 reads! ♡)

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