The Truth About Love Book 1: Keep Holding On

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I awaken to the usual sound of crying. I roll out of bed and pick up my little Meredith. Of course, their sister's crying wakes up the other three, and now I have 4 crying babies to deal with. I hear a muffled groan down stairs. I lay Meredith down on the changing table and change her diaper as Mike walks in. He picks up Tyler as I grab Danielle, and we change their diapers together. We lay them back down in their cribs, and as Mike changes Noah's diaper, I run to the kitchen and heat up five bottles.

I hear crying off in the other end of the house, but I ignore it. A few minutes later it stops, and Dad walks in carrying a very unhappy Amelia. I hand him a bottle, then take the rest back to my room to feed my kids. I hand Mike three of the bottles, and he hands them to Noah, Tyler, and Danielle. At 6 months, they have already learned to drink from a bottle by themselves. I pick up Amelia and feed her.

Once the kids all fall back asleep after the morning feeding, I go into the bathroom to get ready for school. After I'm showered and dressed in pink skinny jeans with a white panda t shirt, I go back into my room. Mike leaves to go get ready for school, and I am left to watch the kids.

At seven, I leave for my thirty minute drive to school, leaving Dad to watch the kids until Cassandra, Mike's mom, comes over so Dad can leave for school.

At 7:30, I pull into the school parking lot. As soon as I step out of my car, I am assaulted by my best friend, Alex.

"Happy birthday!!" I give her a weird look.

"What are you talking about?"

"Did you really forget about your birthday, Cass?" I stop and think for a minute.

"What day is it?"

"Well obviously, It's March 21."

"It's my birthday!". Alex laughs as Mike walks up to us.

"Hey birthday girl." he wraps his arms around me and kisses me on the forehead.

"Hey sweetie". We then leave for class. When we reach mine and Alex's home run, Mike kisses me properly this time, then leaves for his home room.

After school, Mike and I head over to his place, since that's where the kids are. Mike hops out of his van and races over to my car to open the door. He takes my hand and pulls me out. We walk hand in hand into his house.

As soon as we get inside, we are assaulted by a herd of screaming kids. Mike has a million brothers and two sisters. Not to mention, his mom is watching Amelia, Meredith, Danielle, Noah, and Tyler. Their 8 bed room house is currently packed to its breaking point. I rush over to my children and sister, showering them with love. 8 hours of being away from your children really hurts you.

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