Chapter 10: Best Friends Forever

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I pull into the drive way and quickly hop out of the car.  I grab the kids and Amelia and all but run inside.  Mike follows me, a scared look on his face.  It's rare for me to get mad.  The kids are asleep, so I lay them down in their cribs.  I then go into the living room, flop down on the couch, and start crying.  Mike sits down next to me and starts rubbing my back.  I cry until I'm out of tears.  I then slowly sit up, rubbing my eyes as I go.  Mike pulls me into a much needed hug.  We sit like this for a while before I slowly fall asleep.


I wake up to the sounds of the kids and go to take care of them along with Mike.  We feed them, then start getting them dressed.  Once they're all dressed, we set them down in their play pen in the kitchen, and Mike starts to make breakfast as I take a quick shower.  As I climb out, I wrap my hair up in my towel and put on a pair of pink skinny jeans and a white P!nk shirt.  I brush out my hair and then braid it before heading to the kitchen.

When I get there, Mike has breakfast ready on the table.  We eat quickly, then head to school, dropping the kids off on the way.

When we pull into the parking lot, Alex and Ash are standing next to Alex's car, which just so happens to be parked right next to my spot.  I park, and me and Mike climb out.  Alex squeals, then pulls me into a bone crushing hug.  Ash lets out a small chuckle, pushing her bangs behind her ear.  Alex grabs my hand and starts pulling me excitedly towards the gym.

"Where are we going, Alex?"  She laughs.

"You'll see!"  She pulls me to the entrance, lets go of my wrist, and points excitedly at the sign on the door.

"Cheer leading try outs."  I look at Alex in horror.  "Cheer leading?" Alex laughs.

"Come on! We'd be so good at it!"  Can't you just see it?!"  I shake my head

"No I can't.  We can't do cheer leading."

"Why not?"  I let out a small laugh.

"Because most girls who try out have years of experience."

"so."  I shake my head.  "Come on!  It'd be fun."  I sigh in defeat.

"We can try out, but don't be surprised if we don't make it."  Alex let's out another squeal.  The first bell rings, so we head for our homeroom.


Nothing interesting happened for the rest of the school day.  Finally, it is time for the dreaded try outs.  Me, Alex, and Ash walk into the gym.  Alex is really excited.  Ash walks over to the bleachers and sits down.  She refuses to try out.  I can't really blame her though. 

The coach calls us up one by one and takes us into a seperate room.  I'm the last one to go.  I walk into the small room.  There is a mat set out on the floor.  There is also the coach and two cheerleaders sitting over by the wall.  The coach looks at me.

She tells me to do all of these flips and turns and I do them.  Finally, she says that I can go, and I leave.  I meet Alex and Ash outside by Alex's car.  Mike had left to get the kids, so Alex gives me and Ash a ride home.  We pull up in front of Ash's house.  ASh looks at us as she climbs out.

"Do you guys want to come in?"  I shrug and look over at Alex.

"Sure."  We walk up the front steps and go inside.  Once we're inside, we're confronted by a boy about 11 years old.  He looks a little bit like Ash.

"Hey guys.  This is my little brother, Camden.  Camden, this is Alex and Cass."  Camden gives me a weird look.

"She looks just like you!"  I let out a small laugh.  Ash smiles a little. 

"Where's mom?"

"Kitchen."  Ash heads into the kitchen, and we follow her.  Once we've entered the kitchen, me and Alex stop dead in our tracks.  It's the woman from the park.  She smiles at us.


Hey guys!  How's it going? I just wanted to check in on all of you.  How's school?  Read any good books lately?  I really need something new to read!  I like fanfics, pregnancy stories, fantasy, and adventure with hints of romance.  Feel free to recommend me some books.  Lol.  Anyway, Happy Reading!

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