Chapter 14: 1, 2, 3, 4

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Mike's POV

I walk into the kitchen to see Steven sitting at the table with his head in his hands.  He looks so miserable.  That's when I realize that neither him or mom wanted this.  I sigh and he looks up.

"Have you seen Cass?" He nods.

"Yea.  She ran in here, grabbed the kids, then ran down the hall. I'm not sure where she's at now.  She seemed pretty upset though."  I sigh and sit down across from him at the table."

"I really screwed up."  Steven lets out a nervous chuckle.

"You and me both." A small smile escapes my lips.

"I just want you to know, I'm not mad.  And I'm gonna be there for you guys."  Steven looks up at me and smiles a genuine smile. 

"Thanks, Mike, that means a lot to me." I nod and the smile slowly fades from my face.

"So, do you have any idea what I can do to make Cass forgive me?"

"Depends.  What did you do?"  A nervous chuckle escapes my lips.

"I pretty much told her I wished she would have killed the quads when she had the chance."  Steven looks up at me with a shocked look on his face.  "I didn't mean it though.  I don't know.  I was just mad.  She should know that I don't really mean it.  I love those kids as much as I love her, and I can't imagine life with out them."  Steven smiles. 

"Well, it looks to me like you already know what your gonna do?"  I look at him, puzzled.


"Tell her what you just told me."  I laugh.

"Cass isn't that easy of a person.  She's been put through alot lately."  I sigh.  A loud crash of thunder shakes the house, and I jump up.  The quads are terrified of storms.  I run down the hallway, going on gut instinct as to where Cass will be; Hannah's room.


Cass's POV

I rock the kids back and forth trying to get them to go to sleep, but to no prevail.  Another crash of thunder causes me to jump, and causes the quads and Amy to cry louder.  Jace and Caitlin start crying, too, so it is extremely loud.

All of the sudden, the door opens to reveal a sopping wet Mike.  I can't help but to laugh a little.  He sits down next to me on Hannah's bed and reaches toward his mom.  She hands him Noah and Danny, then picks up Jace and Caitlin, and leaves.  Hannah looks over at us, then retreats into the corner of the room the best that she can while holding two screaming babies.  Mike holds Noah and Danny closer to his chest and starts gently rocking them.  He looks up at me.

"Sing to them."  I shake my head.  I don't like singing in front of people.  Mike has only heard me sing a couple of times, and other than him and the kids, no one has heard me sing since I was little.  He looks up at me with puppy dog eyes.  "Please.  You know it will calm them down."  I sigh, then start singing 1,2,3,4 by Plain White T's.

"Give me more lovin' then I've ever had.  Make it all better when I'm feelin' sad.  Tell me that I'm special even when I know I'm not.  Make it feel good when it hurts so bad.  Barely get mad, I'm so glad I found you.  I love being around you."  I look up at Mike as the kids crying settles down.  He smiles, then starts singing himself.

"You make this easy, as easy as 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4."  I smile, at of my anger at him disappearing, as I start to sing with him.

"There's only one way, two do, three words, four you.  I love you."  Only Mere is crying at this point, and we lay the rest down in their car seats as we continue singing.  There's only one way two say those three words and that's what I'll do.  I love you."

"Give me more lovin' from the very start"

"Piece me back together when I fall apart." A small laugh escapes me when mike sings this.

"Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends."  All the kids except for Mere are asleep now, and Mere herself is slowly nodding off."

"Make it feel good when it hurts so bad."

"Barely getting mad,"  We start singing together again as Mere finally drifts off into sleep.

"I'm so glad I found you.  I love being around you.  You make it easy.  As Easy as 1, 2, 1,2, 3, 4.  There's only one thing two do three words four you.  I love I love you.  There's only one way two say these three words and that's what I'll do.  I love you.  i love you."  i kiss Mere on her forehead and slowly lay her down in her car seat.  I then lean my head on Mike's shoulder.  He turns his head and kisses me on the forehead.

"I'm sorry."  I can tell he means it.  He loves our kids.  And he loves me.  I nod.

"I love you."

"I love you too." 


Cassandra's POV

Once I hand Mike Noah and Danny, I know that I need to leave.  I stand up and leave the room.  I walk down the hall way, and stop in front of the door of the room next to Hannah's and sigh.  I gently knocking before walking in.

When you live in a 6 bedroom house with 15 kids, it's impossible to give them all their own room.  Hannah (15) has her own room, which is the smallest room in the whole house.  Next to her room, is the biggest room, which is Mike's (when he's here) (17), Kaden's (14), and Michael's (13).  Inside the room, there is a loft beds with a trundle bed underneath, a futon, and a six drawer white dresser. 

I walk in, and Kaden and Michael start staring at me.  I sit down on the futon, which is covered with dirty clothes.  Normally, I would get onto them, but now's probably not the best time.  After all, these are the kids that have the most experience with younger siblings, besides Mike.  Michael and Kaden are sitting on the bed across from me.  I sigh.

"I'm sorry."  Silent tears start sliding down my cheeks.  I quickly wipe them away, not wanting the boys to see.  Michael stands up and walks over to me.  He sits down next to me, and hugs me. 

"It's alright, Mom." I kiss his forehead, and he quickly pulls away. "eww! gross!"  I let out a small laugh, then look up nervously at Kaden.  He shrugs.

"What difference can one more kid make, right?"  I let out another laugh, and he lets out a small chuckle.  The he looks at me all seriously.  "However, I'm not sure Mike will take the same view point."  I laugh again.

"Cassidy's helping me with him." 

"Yep.  We all know how much power she has over him."  Kaden says raising his eye brows up and down.  I get an offended look on my face.

"Kaden!"  Kaden and Michael laugh.

"Relax, Mom.  I was kidding."  I roll my eyes and smile.  Hopefully, the other kids will be this easy to convince."


Hey guys!  Long chapter to make up for all of the really short ones.  Any one for anyone who is wondering, when I wrote the chapter in the companion series that introduced Mike's siblings, it was 2 am, and I did not catch that Mike had a little brother named Michael.  LOL.  My little sister pointed it out to me.  That also the same chapter that I introduced Cassandra and gave her a really similar name to Cassidy's.  Lol.  Any way, tell me what you think! Should I keep doing POV's of people beside Cass? Also, I had a really good plot line for this book, and I've totally strayed away from it, so I'm thinking about having this be the climax and using my other plot line in the next book.  (Spoilers.  It has to do with Ash).  I don't know yet.  Also, none of my books follow a typical plot flow chart, so I was thinking about uploading a picture of how mine goes.  (I tend to skip the rising action, it goes really boring, kinda boring, kinda boring, kinda boring, major plot climax, falling action, resolution.  Lol.)  Sorry.  I got like 5 hours of sleep last night and I don't plan on getting any tonight, and it's already 11 so so far so good, lol, so if the story starts to get really far fetched, sorry.  And I'm rambling, and if your anything like me, you don't even read this part of a book, so I'm probably mostly just writing this for my own amusement.  LOL.  Any way, happy reading!

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