Chapter 11: Time to Dance

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We hang out at Ash's for a while before we leave.  Alex drops me off at my house, and I go inside.  Mike has the kids and Amelia in their play pen in the entry room.  I smile at him as I enter.  He smiles back at me.

"How'd try outs go?"  I shake my head and he laughs.  "Well, your dad's doctor called."  I look up at Mike quickly.  "Your dad's came through.  I let out a sigh of relief.  "They're releasing him tomorrow.  But, his doctor said not to leave him home alone with the kids in case he has another fit."  I nod.  Amelia starts fussing, so I go and pick her up.  She snuggles into my arms and quickly falls asleep.  I sigh and look up at Mike again.

"Did Hannah tell your mom?"  Mike shakes his head, and I sigh.  "She needs to tell her."

"I know.  Oh, by the way, Mom told us to come over for dinner tonight."  I nodd. 

"Alright, I'll go get ready."  I run upstairs and brush through my hair before taking the kids out to the car and leaving.


We pull into Cassandra's drive way.  There's an unfamiliar car in the drive way.  I turn the van off and climb out.  We get the kids out and carry them inside.  There is a large comotion inside, as always.  Cassandra is sitting on the couch when we walk in, along with who I assume is her boyfriend.  She stands up and pulls me into a hug.  She lets go and smiles at me.

"Hey, Cass.  Heard you tried out for the cheer leading team."  I let out a small laugh.

"Only 'cause Alex made me."  Cassandra laughs, and we all head into the dining room, where dinner is ready on the table.  Hannah sits down next to me, but we don't speak.  We start eating.  The room is so noisy from everyone talking at once, so no one notices me and Hannah not talking except for Mike.  I look over at Cassandra who is fiddling with a lose strand of her hair; a habit that both her and Hannah have when they're nervous.  She clears her throat, and everyone looks at her.

"I have an anouncement to make."  We wait for her to say more.  She looks said, so we all quickly become nervous.  She doesn't say anything for a minute.  "I'm pregnant."  A large commotion breaks out at once.  Mike storms out of the house.  Hannah, with a totally deserved look of betrayal on her face runs into her room, slamming the door behind her.  Jace and Caitlin look after their brother and sister curiously, having no idea what impact their mother's words had on everyone else.  Everyone started talking at once



"How could you!"

"No fair!"

"You promised!"  Kaden jumps up from the table after saying this and runs into his room that he shares with some of his brothers.  All of the commotion disturbs the quads and Amelia who start crying.  I try to calm them down, but it doesn't work with everyone freaking out.  I look up at Cassandra, who is not handling the stress her children are putting on her verry well.  Michael jumps up and smacks Cassandra's boyfriend across the face before running to join his brother in their room.  Cassandra yells after him, but he doesn't stop.  All the while, the kids are screaming.  Finally, I have had enough.

"Everybody, shut up!"  Everyone quiets down for a minute except for my screaming kids.  I quickly get them calmed down, and they fall asleep.  I look around the table at all of my future brother-in-laws.  They all look pissed.  I take a deep breath. "Everybody, go to your rooms.  I'll be there in a minute."  Oddly enough, everybody listens to me except for Jace and Caitlin who are currently buckled into high chairs.  I take a deep breath and lay my head down on the table.  The silence is odd after the previous commotion.  I lift my head up and look at Cassandra who looks apoligetic.

"I'm sorry, Cass.  I didn't mean for this to happen." I sigh and look over at Jace and Caitlin.  They are eating again, immune to the surrounding uproar.

"You don't have to apologize to me."  Cassandra looks over at me, and I look back at her.  I let out another sigh.  Cassandra and her boyfriend sigh, too.

"I should probably go talk to them."  She stands up. 

"Talk to Hannah first."  She looks over at me puzzled.

"Alright."  She walks down the hallway towards Hannah's room.  I look over at her boyfriend.  I point down at the kids. 

"Do you mind watching them?  I'm gonna go talk to Mike."  He nods, and I walk outside to talk to Mike.

Mike is sitting on the front porch with his head inbetween his knees.  I sit down next to him and pull him into a hug.  He pushes me away.  In the split second I was touching him, I could feel his body shaking with sobs.  He tries to hide them from me, but he does a poor job.  I sigh and rest my head in my hands.  After a couple minutes, he looks up.  I pull him into another hug.  He tries to resist for a minute before giving in. His sobs come harder now.  I kiss his forehead, trying to make all of his pain disappear.

I've never seen Mike cry before. 

After a few more minutes, his sobs slow down.  I put my finger under his chin and tilt his face upwards towards mine.  I study his face carefully.  I take my thumb and wipe away his tears.  I then lean in and give him a quick kiss.  He sighs, then leans his head on my shoulder.  I stroke his hair and he calms down.  He sighs again.

"I don't think I can go through this again."  I look into his eyes.

"Your mom needs encouragement, not harrassment.  She'll get enough of that from your brothers and sister.  Your mom needs you to be strong."  He lets out an angry chuckle and pulls away from me.

"I'm tired of being strong for her! That's all I've heard my entire life! 'Be Strong! Things will get better!' But they never do!  My life keeps getting worse and worse! But I have to be strong so that others can benefit!  I had to pretend that I liked eating rice every meal for almost a year straight, so that my brothers would think it is cool!  I had to give up having a normal childhood so that my brothers and sisters could have one!  And Hannah's already thrown her's away! All of my sacrafices have been for nothing!"  I try to touch his face, but he pulls away. 


"What?" I sigh.

"Give your mom a bre..."

"A Break?! A Chance?! I've given her multiple chances! This getting ridicolous! Most families have four or five kids tops!  My family has more than I can count! And, she's being a bad influence on the kids! Look at Hannah!  Hell, look at me! We're both following right in Mom's footsteps! Normal people don't have kids til they're atleast in they're late 20's!  Hannah's 14! 14! I was only 16!"  I sigh again and try to grab his hand, but he pulls away.

"Mike, you're not being fair.  It was your's and Hannah's choices that lead you to be teen parents."

"You think I chose to be a dad this young?! Are you fucking kidding me?! If it was up to me, you would have aborteed those kids when you first found out you were pregnant!" My heart breaks a little bit.  I hold back my sobs, stand up, and practically run inside.

I grab the kids and run to the safest place in the house.  Hannah's room.


Hey guys! All the feels! Mike's being a butt hole.  anyway, happy reading.  :( I forgot to hit publish.  Sorry.  I had this chapter done the same day as the last.

The Truth About Love Book 1: Keep Holding OnWhere stories live. Discover now