Chapter 6: Count on Me

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I stand there in shock for a minute.

"What?"  Tears start rolling down her cheek, and I  set Amelia back down and pull Hannah into a hug.  She looks up at me.

"i'm scared, Cass."  I sigh and start slowly stroking her hair.

"I know, sweetie.  I know.  I was scared too, but you'll feel better once you tell someone."  She pushes me away.

"Your the one to talk! You didn't tell anyone you we're pregnant until half way through your pregnancy!"  I sigh.

"That's different, Hannah."

"How?! How was your situation any different than mine?!" Her yelling startles Amelia, so I pick her up and start rocking her back and forth.

"Mine was different because my mom was dead, we thought my dad was dead, and my boyfriend lived over 16 hours away."

"I'm 15! 15, Cass! I can't be a mom! And that's not any worse than mine!  I don't have a dad! My mom's always busy with everyone except me..."

"That's not true, Hannah."

"Isn't it?! She spends all of the school day babysitting for you and Mike, then the little kids get home and she has to take them to baseball, or soccer, or whatever and then we leave for Mike's ball games and then we go home and go to sleep!  Mom's never there for me! At least Mike used to, but even that's been taken away from me! No one loves me!"  She starts crying, and I pull her into another hug.

"Hannah, your mom loves you.  Mike loves you.  Hell, I love you.  Your not gonna be going through this alone."  She doesn't say anything.  "What about the baby's father?" Hannah sighs.

"He dumped me two weeks ago."  At least she had quit yelling.  I smooth her hair and hold her for a minute.  Finally, I sigh, and she looks up at me.

"We've got to get back.  Your mom's gonna be wondering what happened to us." We go and leave the bathroom.


Mike won, of course.  He got a huge trophy, and we decide to go out and get ice cream.  We all go and get our ice cream.  Afterwards, we head home.  The babies fell asleep while we leaving the meet, so we lay them down in their cribs.  We put Amelia in with Meredith since they are the two smallest, and if something goes wrong, we want Amelia in with me.  It's almost 11 o clock at night.  I lay down in my bed, and Mike goes to go lay down in the living room, but I stop him.

"Can you sleep with me tonight?"  He chuckles.  He turns off the light, then climbs into bed with me.  He pulls me close to his chest, and his gentle heart beat calms me some.  Tears start pushing through my barrier.  He feels them, and looks down at me. 

"What's wrong Cass?"  I shake my head.  "Your dad?"  I nod.  then I shake my head.  I realize that's not what's bothering me.  "What wrong then?"  I sigh.

"You should go hang out at your mom's house tomorrow."  He looks down at me.

"Hell if I'm leaving you like this.  What's wrong?  Is someone trying to hurt you?"  I shake my head again.  "Cass, please tell me what's going on in that head of yours."  I sigh and stop most of my tears.

"Your sister really misses you.  She says that you two used to be really close, but that you never see her anymore."  He laughs.

"Then why don't we have her come over here?  What's wrong with that?"  I shake my head.

"She needs to spend time with you when me and the kids aren't with you."  Mike quits laughing and looks into my eyes.

"Is Hannah jealous of you?"  I laugh and shake my head.

The Truth About Love Book 1: Keep Holding OnWhere stories live. Discover now