Chapter 4: Wake me Up When September Ends

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I sit in the living room, fiddling with Amelia's ear length hair.  Dad's therapist had come.  He's in his room talking to him as we speak.  Mike had taken the quads to the park.  I hadn't wanted to.  He wanted to be there for me when I was so upset, but I made him go.  I didn't want my babies to see me like this.

Amelia awakens from her morning nap, and immediately starts crying.  I take her to the kitchen and get her a bottle and feed her.  After she is fed and burped, she starts whining to be let down, so I set her down on her back in the play pen.  She starts playing with her rattles and everything else she can get her hands on.  Dad's therapist, Dr. ripper comes walking into the room.  I stand up, and we shake hands.

"Hello, Cassidy.  Thank you very much for getting ahold of me.  Now, as you know, your father suffers from something called PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."  I nod.  Dad had told me this before.  Amelia coos quietly from her play pen.  Dr. ripper sighs.  "I was unsuccessful in awakening your father from this state."  He sighs again.  "I would like to temporarily admit him to a mental asylum."  I gasp.  I never thought Dad was bad enough to warrant a trip to a mental asylum, but I know he needs to go.

"When will he leave?" Dr. Ripper sighs again.

"They are on their way now.  Now, here's the bad part.  Your emancipated, so you can stay on your own.  You are also legally old enough to watch Amelia, as long as it's not for over 2 weeks.  However, if Amelia's mom hears about your dad going to a mental asylum and decides to reopen their case, theirs a good chance she could win." I gasp.

"She can't take her away from us!" Dr. Ripper sighs yet again.

"Technically, she can.  So, what I suggest, is don't let her find out."  I nod, and I hear the front door bust open.  "That will be them."  A team with a stretcher runs upstairs and follows Dr. Ripper to my Dad's room.  They grab him, and they leave.  And once they leave, I loose it.  I curl up in a ball and cry.  I cry myself to sleep.


When I wake up, I'm being carried to my bedroom. I sigh and pull closer to Mike.  He chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"hey, babe.  Rough day?"  And then I start bawling again.  Mike carries me to my room, then sits down on my bed with me in his lap.  He kisses my head and smooths my hair until I quit crying.  "so, what's gonna happen?"  I sigh, still close to tears.

"He might lose Amelia." Mike kisses my forehead again.

"It'll be okay Cass.  You and your Dad will fight for her.  You guys won't lose her.  You guys love her too much."  I lean my head against his chest and try to calm my raging breath.  I hear crying calming from the living room, so instinctively get up and go to take care of them.


Hey guys! Another short chapter.  I'm sorry!  So, I'm doing a personal goal thing.  So, if any of you guys have the same interests as me, you'll notice that both the series name and the book name is a name of a song.  "The truth about Love" Album "The Truth About Love" by P!nk, and "Keep Holding On" Album "The Best D*mn Thing" by Avril Lavigne.  Well, now i want to start naming all of chapters after songs, too.  The first person who comments the artist and album correctly will get whatever chapter I'm working on at the time dedicated to them.  Now, I know that there can be several songs with the same name, but you have to do the one I named the chapter after.  The song will be in some way related to the chapter.  Anyway, happy playing, and happy reading!  Oh, also, no pun intended with Dr. Ripper's name.  II use random people's names to name my characters, and my little cousin's last name is Ripper.  Also, I need baby names.  You'll see why.  ;)  Sorry, I got side tracked.  Anyway, Happy playing, Happy reading, and Happy Summer!

The Truth About Love Book 1: Keep Holding OnWhere stories live. Discover now