Chapter 2

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*Alarm clock going off*


It's 7 in the morning and Mina's class doesn't start until 8. She then forcefully got herself up. She got her clothes and went to the washroom. After taking a shower she got dressed. Mina wore ripped jeans a white top and a black cardigan. She went downstairs and looked at the kitchen. 'I'm too lazy to make food for breakfast. I'll just go to go a cafe.' She got my car keys and headed out. As she headed out she saw someone in front of her gate.

"Chaeyoung?" Mina paused.

"Good morning Minari."

'Minari? Where did he get that nickname.' "Um... what are you doing here?"

"I went here so I can take you to a cafe for breakfast. I was actually about to ring the bell." Chaeyoung said leaning on his car. "Come on."

"Um..." Mina said still standing there.

"Just come and don't forget about that one rule on the contract. This is the special contract so you have to go with me." Chaeyoung said standing next the the passengers door holding it open.

Mina just remembered about that rule and decided to go with him. It was apart of the contract. She went into Chaeyoungs car and sat in the front.

"Are you forgetting something?" Chaeyoung asked looking at Mina. Mina was confused.


Chaeyoung leaned closer to Mina and reached for something. Mina started blushing from how close the two were.


She heard the sound of the seatbelt. "Your seatbelt silly. I don't want to get arrested."

Mina started blushing more. She was embarrassed. 

Chae saw the girl blushing and giggled. "So do you have a cafe you want to go to?"

"No I'm fine anywhere."

"Ok good cause I actually wanted to bring you to this one cafe I always go to."

"Let me guess. Is this where you bring all the girls who have had a contract with you?" Mina said which hurt the girl a little.

"..." Chae got quiet.

Mina rolled her eyes and played on her phone. It was quiet throughout the whole ride. When the got there Chae finally said something.

"We're here." Chae quickly got up and opened the door for Mina. He held his hand out so he could help Mina get up.

Not all of Chae was bad boy. A tiny bit of him was gentleman. The only reason why he was a bad boy was because everyone feared him. If someone bumped into him they were a dead man. Chae took judo classes since he 3 years old. He saved the gentleman part of him for work a.k.a the RAB company work. Since he was the bad boy type he was rough in other things.

"Thank you." Mina said grabbing Chaeyoung's hand.

Chaeyoung took that chance and grabbed her hand tightly. He didn't let go. They went into the store and sat down at a table. Chaeyoung called the waiter. They were still holding hands.

"Jin!" Chae said waving at one of the waiters. The waiter walked over and asked. 

"The usual i'm guessing." Chae nodded.

"And for you young lady." Chae hissed. Who knows why. Mina took a quick look at what they had.

"Um i'll just have a strawberry smoothie." Chae smiled as she heard the word strawberry.

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