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Dave wakes and he's beyond grouchy when he finds himself handcuffed to the bed. The doctor comes in shortly after that. "Is this really necessary?" Dave growls as he lifts his arm up as high as it will go before being stopped by the cuff.

"You're the one that won't follow doctor's orders. You need at least twenty-four hours bed rest. I'd order more, but I know that there's no way in hell you'd listen. If you're good then I'll let you remain conscious, otherwise I'll be knocking you out." The doctor says smirking, but deadly serious.

Dave just growls. He still doesn't fully remember what happened the day previous and when he does he demands, "The girl?"

The doctor loses his smirk immediately. The serious face the doctor gives Dave tells him that he's not going to like the news.

"She's still not awake. I've had her taken to the clinic due to the injuries I found on her. It's bad news, Boss. Someone really has it out for her. The abuse isn't fresh, it's been going on for some time. Although her ribs aren't currently fractured there is x-ray evidence that almost all of them have been fractured at least once within the last ten years. Both arms have been broken, and although her legs haven't been, there is scaring from knife wounds. Someone has been torturing this poor girl for years and we still don't have a name."

"Do you want us to continue caring for her boss?" Zander had come in while the doctor was reciting the damage done to the girl.

Dave looks at his second and gives him a slight nod. Then he turns his attention to the doctor, "With all that damage do I dare ask if she's..." Dave has never been embarrassed about asking something before, but now he doesn't know how to ask what he wants to know.

"She's intact if that's what you're wondering. With everything else done to her it's shocking really." The doctor knows just how easy it is for a female to be broken. He's thankful that she hasn't had to go through that at least.

"Thank you for that." Dave doesn't do well giving thanks, he's not used to doing it. 

The doctor nods in understanding. "I'll keep you updated if there is any change in our Jane Doe. I'll also have some food brought to you. Have any preferences?"

"No," Dave says sighing. There's no getting out of these damn cuffs so he might as well try to relax.

"Boss," Zander says coming in, "we've run her prints and there's nothing on her in the system. The cops did a DNA profile on the dead guy, his name is Greyson DeAngelo. We did find out that he works for the Italian mafia."

Dave ignites with anger on that. Those assholes have been trying to take away his territory for years now.

"Hack into their system, find out who the hell that girl is. I want to know if there is some way she can help me. If not we need to find a safe place to leave her. If the Italian mafia wants her she won't be safe on her own.

"What the hell were they doing bringing her into my territory?" Dave demands, but knows that there's no way that Zander can know the answer to that.

"I don't know, boss, but I have our hackers working on the Italian's already. Hopefully they'll be able to get us some answers soon."

"I want answers in twenty-four hours, Zander. I can't have a loose end hanging around. Either she can help us or she needs to be put out of her misery and I need to know which it is." Dave tells his second with a cold voice.

"Yes, Boss. But even if she can help you, she's in a coma and unresponsive. Wouldn't it be better to just end her now?" Zander asks a bit confused.

"Not if there is a chance that she could help us. Those damn Italians are doing their best to snip away little pieces of me and I'm not going to let any possible help escape now."

Zander nods his head and leaves as the doctor comes back in with Dave's meal.

"Great, Zander got you all riled up. Calm down or you'll get heartburn while you eat." The doctor places the tray on the movable table and places it over Dave. After helping Dave sit up he makes sure that Dave won't need any further assistance before giving him some privacy.

"Doctor, make sure I know immediately when that girl wakes up. Her life and yours will depend on it." Dave tells the doctor and the threat is very real. 

Swallowing convulsively the doctor is unable to speak but nods his understanding before hightailing himself out of the room.

"What the hell is wrong with people nowadays?" Dave mumbles even as he cuts the food before him and takes a bite.

He wonders just what the girl did to be so abused over a long period of time. The Italians aren't known for their patience and most likely would have just killed her if she didn't give them the information they were looking for, or sent her to one of their sex rings. 

From what he remembers the girl is fairly good looking, it would help if she wasn't covered in blood and bruises, but he has a pretty good idea of how she'll look once all that clears up. She'd make a good deal of money. So why haven't they sold her? What is it that they want from her that they keep hurting her but don't kill her over?

Dave shrugs to himself even as he continues eating. He doesn't know right now and anything he can think of is just conjecture until he can talk to the girl.

At least he doesn't have to worry about her fearing that he'll take advantage of her. For some reason the Italians didn't harm her that way either and that's what's got him the most interested. Unless they were planning on selling her as an untouched it really doesn't make much sense to him.

Dave goes to take the next bite and finds his plate empty. He'd eaten it all without even realizing or even tasting it. He pushes the table away and lies back down and continues his merry-go-round of thoughts, but nothing makes sense to him. Nothing. Hell, he needs to talk to that girl.

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