shorty squad

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After a few hours peridot finnaly reformed "grr...WHY DID YOU CLODS HEAL ME?" peridot shouted scaring Steven and amethyst awake

"We care about you peridot!" Steven shouted

"Yeah! Forget lapis! She was always mean to you anyway! She didn't even apologize for breaking your tape recorder! " amethyst pointed out
"I learned the hard way that if you lash out on your self your gonna lash out on others who care about you"

Peridot seemed hesitant "but I miss her! I know she was a bad person but I wanted top redeem her!"

Steven placed his hand on peridots shoulder "peridot, I know its hard, trust me. But change is normal! You'll get used to lapis being gone, but I know that the shorty squad never gives up on eachother! Right amethyst?" Steven smiled boldly


They both looked at peridot, the small green nodded "right!"

"Hey, how bout to cheer you up, lets go to funland! L" amethyst smiled

"Yeah! And this time lets not shapshift..." Steven blushed rubbing his arm

"No promises~" amethyst flirted and nudged Steven

"Please! I don't want peridot to feel bad..." Steven said looking at peridot

"Okay, she already feels bad, I promise ill give you two the best day ever!" amethyst smiled

"Any day is the best day with you." Steven chirped and kissed amethyst's cheek.

"Shh~" amethyst presses her hand on Stevens lips and blushed

"Shorty squard, lets go to Funland!" peridot cheered as she bursted out the door

"Hey! Wait up!" Steven shouted as he ran behind

They had lots of fun on funland, they didn't go on the roller coaster but they went on the merry go round, and the ferris wheel, Steven and amethyst snuggled closer, peridot watched fondly as Steven helped amethyst down, he lifted her hand and kissed her hand "milady~" he winked, causing amethyst to blush "oh, stop it you!" amethyst giggled, punching his shouldee

"Do you have a difrent connection towards eachother, you've been acting different lately, like for example, you've been flirtatious, affectionate and protective of eachother." peridot stated

"Well, p-dot that's because were dating!" amethyst announced

"Like perccie and peere!" Steven smiled

"Oh! Like garnet too right?" peridot asked

"Yup!" Steven smiled and wrapped his arm around amethyst

"That's, do I put it...c-cute?" peridot babbled

Steven smiled "thanks!"

Peridot smiled back and noticed some beanbag toss "hey! Over there!"

All 3 of them ran over

Mr smiley handed Steven the beanbags and he went in most of the holes, he won a stuffed fluffy brown cat that looked alot like smoky quartz it had a pink eye and a purple eye, he smiled and handed it to amethyst "dosnt it remind you of someone?" Steven smiled and held amethyst's hand "yeah~" amethyst smiled

Peridot won herself another giant alien

They all went back to the temple and watched movies, the whole time amethyst and Steven snuggled, peridot smiled hugging her alien.

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