The message

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Gracie has been missing for approximately 3 days

Lars was in town posting signs up in hopes that some residents of empire city will help.

He then posted about 50 before calling Steven to let him know how things were going.


"Steven I posted about 50 posters, should I post some more?"

"I don't mind how many you post Lars, just please spread them out evreywere. You doing that?"

"Yes, Steven. We've got your back." Lars reassured.

"Thanks Lars. I appreciate every minute of your time." Steven smiled

"I gotta go Steven. Post some more flyers."

Steven nodded "I'll call you later. Bye!"

"Bye, Steven."

Lars hung up the phone and was about to post another note when he heard someone.

"Yes, I have the supplies, Connie. Stop worrying."

Lars recognized the voice, it was Jeff!

He immediately opened the voice recorder App and Recorded the conversation:

"If Gracies acting up than use the whip! Its not that hard!"

"Okay. I'm on my way." Jeff got in his car and drove away.

Lars then ran to his car and followed Jeff. He put his hood over his head so he woulnt recognize his pink skin.

Once Jeff pulled up to his house and down the drive way, Lars took a picture of the address and the mansion, and the license plate of jeffs car.

He then drove back to beach city with the news

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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