Connie's return

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it was smoky and gracies 5th birthday. The gems were preparing the birthday party while smoky and gracie were spending some quality time with Lars and sadie.

"Aunt sadie, weres mommy and daddy?" smoky asked

"They're busy right now, they be back in a little while okay?" sadie said as she ruffled his hair.

"Yeah, they're on a secret mission right now." Lars smiled

"What are they doing?" gracie asked

"I can't tell you, its a secret, silly!" Lars chuckled.

Steven came outside. "Smoky, gracie! Come outside we need help with something!" he called his son and daughter.

"Coming daddy!" smoky said as he grabbed gracies hand and they both ran outside.

There was a table on the sand with a blue cover and some brown, pink,and purple balloons on either side and white chairs surrounding it.

"Huh?" smoky thought

Steven then smiled and as if on cue, the gems popped out from behind and under the table and shouted "surprise! Happy birthday!" Lars and sadie walked outside behind them and smiled.

Smoky and gracie blushed an smiled

Steven then carried them both and gave him a big loving hug "my babies are 5 years old, time went by so fast!" he then set them both down and smiled. Amethyst picked them both up and tacked the twins with kisses "I love my little munchkins!"

Smoky and gracie hugged there parents. "We love you too!" they smiled

All six of them, including Lars and sadie, walked to the table. Were everyone else, including Greg was.

Greg immediately scooped them up and hugged them "happy birthday to my sweet grand children! You both are already five years old!" he smiled and teared up a bit.

Garnet smiled at then and kissed there little foreheads. "Congrats you cutie pies." she smiled as gracie and smoky giggled

Lapis and peridot tickled them both as bismuth smiled "birthday tickles!" they said

Uncle Andy, who came earlier hugged the two "happy birthday you little nuggets, I'm so proud to be a great uncle!"
The diamonds and there pearls watched with smiles

It was all quality family time. Everyone was happy. A classic little family reunion


"Okay mom, call me when you get out of work. Bye." a Indian woman said in her phone. She then hung up and put her phone in her pocket. As she sat in the drivers seat of her black vehicle and impatiently waited for her husband. "Why is he taking so long.." she grumbled and lit a cigarette (there's no drugs in this story, just cigarettes).

Then her husband finally walked out of the resteraunt "fish stew pizza" with a box of pepperoni pizza. "Sorry Connie, something was wrong with one of the ovens so they had to start over." he said

"Whatever lets just go already.." Connie said with smoke coming out of her mouth. Connie was about to back the car up into the road when she heard a bunch of people singing happy birthday. The voices sounded familiar. "Jeff ill be right back, I gotta see something real quick."

"Ugh. Why couldn't I have stayed single.." Jeff said

Connie rolled her eyes and went to see the commotion. She hid behind a stone hand and watched.

She saw amethyst and Steven carrying two little kids she didn't regonize. Steven then kissed them both and then kissed amethysts cheek.

Connie's face was full of rage.


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