I WILL survive

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A/N this book is OFFICIALLY off hold, but, let me remind you. Updates will be slow due to school coming soon, and writers block. So, without further a do, lets read.

Amethyst was now 7 months pregnant and in pain. She was laying on Stevens bed clutching her stomach, Steven was by her side comforting her.

"I never knew how painful pregnancy can be.." amethyst wined

"Pregnancy only lasts nine months, your seven months, babe. You'll be done in two months, okay?" Steven said as he kissed her cheek and rubbed her stomach

"Thanks for the math lesson, Mister Smarty-Pants." amethyst joked.

They just sat there until Steven had a thought. What if garnets prediction was wrong?

If rose died giving birth to Steven, wouldn't the same fate be set for amethyst?

"Babe? Steven, you okay?"

Steven snapped back from his state of mind.


"Are you alright?" amethyst repeated

"What if garnets prediction was wrong?" Steven began "mom gave birth to me, and she died, what if the same fate is set for you? I don't want to lose you, Amethyst!" Steven said with tears

Amethyst sat up, despite her contractions and held her mans cheek
"Hey, rose reformed into you because she didn't want to deal with her problems, well, that might've been the reason. But I don't have any problems at all, we have peace with the diamonds, white diamond is shattered, Connie is out of our lives, and Homeworld is done with colonizing. We may still have some problems to deal with, but we have eachother, and at our wedding I PROMISED that I would stay with you 'till death, and when I promise something like that I NEVER break it." amethyst said

Steven looked at her with a small smile

"And even if I do die, I won't forget the promise, but at least the gems and Greg will be able to help, and I will love them and you no matter what." amethyst said with seriousness in her face and voice.

Steven smiled "promise?"

Amethyst grew a smile "promise."


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