missing twin

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Smoky ran back to the temple as fast as his little legs could go. The purple hybrid burst through the door. And shouted at the top of his lungs "GRACIE'S BEEN KIDNAPPED!" smoky fell down in exhaustion.

Amethyst and Steven ran over to him "what?" amethyst picked smoky up and noticed his nose was bleeding "peridot get some tissues!" amethyst yelled as peridot ran upstairs into Stevens room and grabbed some tissues. "did you see who, Smoky?" Steven asked.

"It was Connie, she tried to talk to us and I told her to leave us alone and I tried to run away but she grabbed gracie and kicked me in the face, and I think she but a towel or something over gracies mouth and she took her in her car." smoky recalled those teriffying 5 minutes.

Everyone gasped

"Connie? But didn't pyrianca say she moved to the outskirts of empire city, why would she come back and kidnap someone? More specifically, gracie?"

"That little...." amethyst looked at smoky realizing she shouldn't curse around her son, so she mouth the word 'bitch'. She then continued talking "smoky did you see what the car looked like? Greg make sure your writing this down!"

Greg was writing down the description of Connie and the situation.

Smoky sat there for a second thinking. "I think it was black? And it had two big windows on the front and a two small ones on the back." smoky said "my eyes were blurry, I couldn't see very good"

Steven just finished a 911 call, "the police will be here soon."


Gracie woke up with darkness all around her, and the sound of a loud crowded city. And two close voices. She tried to get up but hit her head against the ceiling.

"M-mommy?" she wanted to hear her mothers voice, "daddy?" she wanted to feel her dads hugs again. She wanted her family to tell her that everything will be okay. But they weren't there.

She was alone in the trunk of a car with people she didn't know.

It then got quiet. All she could her was tires against a road. Leading to the unknown. She hugged herself and cried.

The car then stopped driving and she heard the doors open then close. "Hello?" she called out. But no answer.

Connie pretended to ignore the voice from her trunk. Jeff and her walked inside there mansion and ate the pizza.

"So, I got a gift for us both now that our former maid allysa died. Our new maid will be with us tommorow." Connie announced.

"Oh really. How much should we pay her?" Jeff asked

"We don't need to, she likes to work for free." Connie smiled

"Oh. Well, more money for us then, huh?" Jeff smirked.

Connie nodded.

A few hours later

Gracie was fast asleep from crying. The trunk wasn't comfy, but at least it was soft. She wanted to be back home in her own bed. Watching bunny documentaries and lion licking her face while she giggled.  She didn't understand what fate had planned for her.

Then she heard a click and the trunk opened and hands around her. She woke up expecting to see her mom or auntie lazuli. But instead, she saw her chores master.

She was about to become a chore slave for Connie.

Connie then opened the door and walked gracie down stairs into the basement and threw her on the ground. She then walked upstairs and looked the door.

Gracie looked for any light switch but all she found was a very dim light, a very old pillow and a blanket. She crawled over to the spot, snuggled up in the blanket and cried herself to sleep.

A/N: before you ask, no gracie is not a SEX slave, Connie isn't that stupid, but I am gonna warn you, there is gonna be a lot of swearing and violence in the next chapters...

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