telling peridot

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Peridot quietly walked out of the bathroom to see of anything new is happening she then walkes over to Steven and amethyst to see if anythings happened "hello Steven hello amethyst" Peridot greeted them.

"Oh, hey peri! How have you been?" amethyst asked

"Not much better..." Peridot sighed "but, Eh."

"Still upset about lapis?" Steven asked

"Yeah..." Peridot sighed and looked down

"Hey, don't worry about her. You still have us!" Steven smiled and hugged Peridot

"Yeah dude!" amethyst hugged Peridot and smiled

"Wow. Thanks...." Peridot hugged them back and gave a slight smile.

Steven then looked down and frowned

Amethyst looked at Steven in concern "hey, what's wrong?" she asked

"Should I tell her?" Steven asked

"I can if you want." amethyst placed her hand on his shoulder

"Tell me what?" Peridot stared at the couple in confusion

"Peridot, you know how we constantly talk about how great rose is?" amethyst asked

"Yeah. Why?" the green gem asked

"Well...we take back what we said." amethyst frowned and looked down.

"Why?" Peridot wondered

"Because, rose is pink diamond. She faked her shattering and lied to everyone. Including garnet Steven and myself. Thanks to her, garnet split up and we had to look for ruby and sapphire. And Steven has the literal world on his shoulders. So, yeah. I hate rose, I mean, pink diamond with a burning passion. She was a LIAR, SHE LIED TO HER FRIENDS, TO GREG, AND HER WHOLE FAMILY, THAT'S NOT WHAT LEADERS DO!" amethyst shouted angrily

"Amethyst hey..." Steven wrapped his arms around her causing her to calm down.
"I'm sorry...i just wish rose never did any of that. She's a horrible person and nothing will change that." amethyst grumped

"I knew there was somthing suspicious about that clod! She always seemed like a liar!" Peridot frowned.

"Yeah, it really hurt me when I found out. I know its hard to talk about it. Also, I'm having an extencial and identity crisis so its hard to know how to feel about it..." Steven sighed and looked at his gem.

Amethyst and Peridot then procceded to hug Steven

"We love you Steven" amethyst smiled and kissed his head

"I love you guys too!" Steven hugged amethyst and Peridot back.

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