Honeymoon, (NSFW WARNING)

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Steven and amethyst made it to the hotel it was very big and had beautiful windows that showed the whole town

Amethyst and steven stared out the window, admiring the beauty of the city lights.

But amethyst thought for a moment

She wanted a kid
But she didn't know if she would die, so she looked to Steven for help.
"Steven.." amethyst began, "I
want to have a kid, but I don't know if I'll die..."

Steven was suprised at this "A-amethyst are you sure? It might hurt..."

"Steven, im a crystal gem, i get hurt all the time!" amethyst said

Steven nodded "right..." he looked down "o-okay, lets d-do it then..." he looked up to find amethyst already naked, with her finger in her crotch.
"ready when you are~" she smirked.

Steven blushed and he felt something poke his pants

"Your bananas growing..." amethyst giggled

Steven smirked and took his pants and boxers, revealing his 9-inch manhood

"Mmh Mmh mhhh~ looks  yummy~" amethyst smirked as she bent down and licked it.

Steven felt his manhood grow a bit more as it stretched down her throat "oohh~ amethyst, babe don't stop~" Steven moaned

"I never will." amethyst said and eventually sucked on his manhood, enjoying the taste

"Oh, amethyst I'm gonna cum!" Steven groaned

Amethyst sucked harder and the grayish fluid seeped into her mouth "mmmhh" she swallowed it all "so good~"

Steven smirked and took his shirt off and pinned amethyst to the bed "looks like someone caught on~ give me all you've got~"

Steven smirked and picked amethyst up by her legs and licked her pussy he shape shifted his tounge as deep as he could

"Oh steven~! Aaaahhh!! Don't stop! " amethyst moaned with pleasure

"Anything for you my sexy queen~" Steven rubbed her ass and continued and her pussy fluids seeped out of her "mmmhh!!!" amethyst sweated heavily and drooled. Steven then stopped and looked at her breasts he then rubbed them and licked them. Amethyst breathed very heavily and gripped the sheets "Ohhhh~ you really are a monster huh~?"

"Oh yes ame- and I'm getting ready to finish you off~" Steven smirked and inserted his manhood into her pussy.

Amethyst blushed and giggled "ready?"

"Born ready~" Steven smirked

He then began to thrust letting his manhood in and out of her pussy.

Amethyst screamed into a pillow at the pain and pleasure

"You doing alright babe?" Steven asked

"Yes! Keep going!"

Steven smirked and continued harder

Amethyst groaned with desire "mmmhhh~"

Stevens seaman spilled into her pussy causing amethyst to groan.

Steven got up and smiled "you enjoyed it, didn't you~"

"Very much~" amethyst smiled

They both got under the covers and snuggled up against eachother

Then they fell asleep.

A/N: I can't believe I actually said "pussy"...

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