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Steven was sanding with garnet at the alter, he was wearing a black tuxedo with a brown bow-tie and had a purple corsage in his shirt pocket his pants and shoes were black, he had his hair gelled and in his usual ponytail.

The wedding was like ruby and sapphires except, instead of roses, there were lilacs and pink carnations.

All guests in the wedding included: blue and yellow diamond, blue and yellow pearl, Lars, the off colors, garnet, pearl, bismuth, lapis, peridot, Greg, sadie, the fryman family, the pizza family, sour cream, yellowtail, Vidalia onion, and Andy

Steven started nervously sweating.

"You okay, Steven?" garnet asked.

"Nervous..." Steven blurted out

Garnet placed her hand on her shoulder "hey, it'll be alright. Soon your going to be married to the gem of your dreams, and if you two are struggling with anything, you know we're here for you." she smiled

"Thanks, garnet." Steven said
Bismuth opened the door and out came amethyst.

Her dress was long and soft, on eachlayer there were purple and pink rhinestones, and the straps were two fingers wide, her hair had some lilacs and white  ribbons in it making a small bow that held her hair in a braid, and instead of wearing heels she wore comfy white sandals

Steven stared at amethyst in awe, she was the most beautiful person in his life, he couldn't look away from her.

Amethyst stood infront of Steven and blushed.

Garnet smiled and begun "ahem. We are gathered her today to celebrate the gathering and marriage of Steven universe, and amethyst 8XM, who have been fighting alongside eachother since Steven officially called himself a crystal gem. They create an amazing fusion of love and trust and they have a strong bond, bismuth please pass the rings."

Bismuth who was emotional as always, handed the rings to the couple, the rings were pink and purple.

Amethyst slid the pink ring on Stevens finger and Steven did the same, they then held hands.

"Steven," garnet began. "Do you take this gem, to have and to hold and to take care of in sickness and health?"

"I do."

"And amethyst, do you take this hybrid to have and to hold and to take care of in sickness and health?"

"I do."

Garnet shed a tear and smiled "very well, Steven, amethyst, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

And with that Steven held amethyst and kissed her, causing them to fuse into smoky quartz.

"Ah...feels good to be back..." smoky sighed causing everyone to cheer.

Smoky was now taller and a little less chubby, their hair was much longer and, for now was in a braid. They had an eyepatch. Their outfit was very similar to garnets during her wedding.
All the gems ran to smoky and gave them a big hug.

"Its good to see you smoky!" peridot said as she jumped up and down

"Aw you guys!" smoky blushed and wrapped them all in a big hug.

After the ceremony everyone danced to the music, smoky danced by them selves and eventually split up so Steven and amethyst could see eachother, and they had tremendous fun.

Then after the wedding they decided its time to honey moon, Greg helped pay were they were staying: empire city.

Steven and amethyst sat on lions back. "Thanks for the wedding! Thanks for coming! Bye!!!"

Everyone said there goodbyes hugs were evreywere. Love was in the air for the couple.

"Take us to empire city, lion" Steven commanded,

Lion nodded and rawred out a portal and they fled

A quartz And A DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now