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Back in beach city:

The police took Dr maheswaren to an interrogation room to get more info on Connie

Officer Jackson sat pyrianca down and began asking questions

"Did you have a connection with the kidnapper of gracie universe? Like a relationship?" he asked

"I'm her mother."

"Okay, do you know were Connie maheswaren was during the kidnapping?"

"Yes, she was at the crystal temple in beach city." pyrianca said.

"Do you know where Connie lives?" Jackson asked

"She lives on 767 angle road." pyrianca said

After about an hour of questioning pyrianca was released

"Make sure you call us if there's any news. Thanks for coming." Jackson shook her hand and opened the door for her.

"Your welcome sir. Have a nice day." pyrianca said as she walked out the door

"You too ma'am."

Amethyst was comforting Steven and smoky was napping at the moment.

"We even promised nothing bad would happen, and it just did." Steven said solemnly "Im a horrible father."

Amethyst got a bit mad at that. "Hey no your not Steven. Don't think that way. Do you want to go to the police and ask them for updates?"

Steven nodded. But as he got up the phone rang

He picked it up "its officer Jackson! " he said as everyone gathered around.


"Good evening Mr universe. I just finised an interrogation with doctor pyrianca maheswaren. She gave away Connie's address. So police are on the way over there we'll let you know if we find your daughter."

"Okay, thank you so much sir. I appreciate your help"

"Its my job, have a good day."

Steven hung up the phone.

"Well? What'd they say?" lapis asked

"They said pyrianca gave Connie's address. " Steven said "but I don't believe them..."

"Why?" bismuth asked

"Because pyrianca gave the address."


"She's the mother of that asshole. She knows that if I find Connie I'll fucking kill her. But I do believe she moved to empire city because I know how much she wanted to move there." Steven said

"So, while the police search the address were gonna look for grace?" peridot asked


Amethyst nodded "we'll split into groups of two. Steven will go with me, garnet with yourself, lapis will go with bismuth, peridot with pearl, blue and yellow diamond, blue and yellow pearl. Lars and sadie. Okay? I'll go get a map of empire city. And mark our searching spots, and our meeting place. Greg, you'll stay here and watch Smoky.

"Okay amethyst I will." Greg said as smoky crawled onto his lap


Missing: 36 hours

Location: Connie's mansion

Time: 6:00 pm

Connie walked into the basement were gracie was sitting all alone, crying.

"I want mommy and daddy!"

"Shut up you little bitch!" Connie shouted "your mom and dad aren't here. So your under my rule now."

"Leave me alone your not the boss of my you meanie!" gracie said trying to be brave, startling the other little girl in the room no one noticed.

Connie then slapped gracie across the cheek rather roughly. "Don't you talk to your master like that! Do you understand me? Continue this behavior and I'll give you more than a slap! Understood?"

Gracie held back her tears and nodded. "Yes ma'am."

"Good. Now heres what's going on. You are my maid. Do you know what a maid is?"

Gracie shook her head "No."

"A maid is a girl who cleans and does chores for someone. Do you know what chores are?" Connie asked

"Yes ma'am" gracie said

"Good. Now lets go over the rules." Connie said "but first let's meet my husband Jeff"

Connie took gracies wrist and yanked her upstairs. Leaving the other girl behind

"Jeff! Come meet our maid!" Connie shouted

A minute later Jeff walked out of his office and smiled at the pair "oh hello, little one, what's your name?" Jeff said like he and Connie weren't holding gracie prisoner.

"Her name is gracie. She's our maid." Connie said.

"Hi, j-Jeff" gracie stuttered

Jeff shook her hand

"Okay, now lets go over the rules. Rule number one. ALWAYS refer to us as master Connie and master f
Jeff. Rule number two, you'll only be off work on the weekends. Rule number three, you may NOT go outside. Rule number four, The most important one. Do not, I repeat DO NOT interact with ANYONE unless its myself or master Jeff. Break the first rule and you'll get a slap, break the third one and the fourth one and you'll deal with A round of that whip." Connie said pointing at the whip hanging on the office door. Gracie knew what a whip was so she was frightened, amethyst would NEVER hit her or smoky with a whip, and neither would anyone else.

"Any questions?" Connie asked

"No, master Connie..." gracie whimpered.

"Since this is your first day, I might as well give you a tour of the house." Connie said as they started down the hall.

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