will I survive?

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5 months later, Steven and Amethyst went back to the temple. Amethyst was currently pregnant and needed help from Steven every now and then. The couple was greeted by bismuth who seemed very happy to see them "hello you two! How was it?"

"It was good!" amethyst smiled
"Where's garnet?" Steven asked

"She's inside, feeding cat steven" bismuth said as she pointed at the door, Steven and amethyst walked upstairs to see garnet holding cat Steven.

"Hello you two!" garnet greeted them

"Hey G." amethyst smiled

"Garnet, uh, amethyst is pregnant. And uh, d-do you see any potential of her dying"

"She might have twins, but no, she'll be fine. She might poof though" garnet said

"Probably due to pressure." Steven thought

"Yeah. Thanks garnet." amethyst smiled and hugged her.

"Your welcome amethyst," the fusion smiled and hugged amethyst.

Steven joined in the hug, causing amethyst and garnet to smile more.

Later that day amethyst and Steven snuggled up and watched some movies including: Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor Ragnerok, and Guardians Of The Galaxy vol. 2.

Amethyst soon feel asleep on Stevens shoulder. "A little early" he thought. He then kissed her forehead and tucked her in

A/N sorry if this chapter is short. I'm on writers block and half awake as well. But hey! Ill try to update as much as I can, also I chose marvel movies cause, why not?

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