Just Relax

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Steven and amethyst were chatting with sour cream and helping him get ready for a rave at the old wearhouse

"Thanks for helping me you guys, do yall wanna come by later?" sour cream asked.

"Sure! And I know just who to bring with me~" Steven smirked as he wrapped his arm around amethyst "shut up ya dope!" amethyst blushed as she playfully shoved him.

Sour cream smiled and rolled his eyes "you too make a cute couple!" sour cream smiled

"Hey! Thanks.." amethyst said with an arm around Steven, causing him to blush.
"Well ill see you guys later, again, thank you!" sour cream smiled

"Your welcome! Bye!" amethyst smiled and Steven waved goodbye.

Amethyst and Steven smiled hand in hand "so, what do you wanna do when we get back?" amethyst asked

"I wanna sleep to be honest, I've been stressed lately" Steven replied with a tired expression

"Yeah, I know. You really need some rest Steven, you need to have a rest. Otherwise, your gonna end up helping others so much your gonna ending BECOMING helpless. This stress is too much, okay?" amethyst put her hand on his shoulder

"Thanks amethyst, I'm glad to have you as my girlfriend." Steven rubbed his arm

Amethyst kissed his cheek "your welcome Steven, I love you."

"I love you too!" Steven blushed as they walked in

They both walked upstairs and sighed heavily "oh, it feels so good to feel a bed! I wanna sleep forever!" Steven sighed "I don't blame you!" amethyst smiled as she looked at Steven, who was asleep.

Amethyst readjusted steven and snuggled up next to him "I love you~" she kissed his forehead and he scooted closer

A few hours later Steven woke up to amethyst hugging him he touched his face and noticed it was wet and his eyes felt stingy, was he crying? Amethyst hugged him tighter Steven smiled softly and hugged her, his eyes stung as he cried "Steven?" amethyst said worried.

"Yes, I just had a nightmare..." Stevens voice trailed off

"Are you sure?" amethyst placed her hand on his cheek "it's okay, you can tell me." amethyst smiled softly

Steven's tears fell faster, "amethyst, I did sleep! But all I dreamt about were memories of my mom! And i can't take it anymore! Lapis is gone! Lars is still in space! The diamonds have know idea that I'm pink diamond mom lied to everyone!" Steven buried his face in amethysts neck and cried

"Hey. Its okay Steven"

"How is it okay?" Steven asked as amethyst pressed her lips on his

"Because we have eachother, and I'll protect you, remember: us worse gems stick together." amethyst hugged Steven softly "I love you." she said
"I love you too."

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