Stranger Danger

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Connie recognized everyone before her. Except the twins. She's never seen them in her life. But she knew by there appearance that they were Amethyst and Steven's kids.

She wanted them to herself.

She was gonna do horrible things to them.

She waited until the coast was clear.

No pun intended

She was a predator waiting to pounce.

When smoky and gracie were picking up the trash. Connie quickly ran over to them.

"Hey!" she faked a smile to them.

Gracie turned around to see a stranger looking at her. She just gave a little wave and an awkward smile, "hi"

"I'm Connie, you're fathers childhood friend." Connie said

Smoky thought for a second "but he told us not to talk to you, 'cause you're a meanie!"
"Well, im not mean anymore!" Connie protested

"Uh, you look mean, and I'm sure daddy wants us inside" smoky said as he dragged gracie away.

Suddenly Connie grabbed gracie by the shirt and kicked smoky away m, causing his nose to bleed. She then smothered gracie with a cloth and ran to her car. She threw gracie in her trunk and sped off.

Smoky got up and ran as fast as he could to the temple to warn the others that his sister just got kidnapped.

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