two little hybrids

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Amethyst was sleeping on the couch holding her stomach in pain. She knew that the twins would come soon, Steven held her close, giving her the love and comfort she needed.

Then, it happened.

"Steven, its happening, my water broke!" amethyst cried.

Steven then jolted up and carried amethyst to the hospital. They met Dr Maheswarren in one of the rooms.

"Is she in labor?" Piryanka asked

"Yes! Please help us!" Steven said

Piryanka and Steven helped to take amethyst to the delivery room. They put her in a hospital gown and layed her on the bed. They got everything set up. Steven held Amethyst's hand and kissed her cheek, calming her down. "Are you ready?" He asked

"Born ready!" Amethyst cried out. Pyrianca was ready to catch the twins when they were ready to come out.

"And, push!" Pyrianca called out to Amethyst. In which she pushed with all her might, squeezing Stevens hand in the process.

"I see a torso and a head, your doing great!" Pyrianca shouted.

Amethyst smiled and kept pushing. With all the agony, with everything she fought for by Stevens side. She was NOT giving up.

The babys body was fully exposed to the cold air. "Its a boy!" she said "congratulations!" she then saw an amethyst gemstone on his chest "and he's an Amethyst."

Amethyst smiled and let her tears fall down her cheeks. Steven kissed her tears away. Pyrianca let Steven and Amethyst hold the baby for a while. "What should we name him?" amethyst asked.
"How about smoky? His hair reminds me of them." he smiled.

"Smoky diamond universe" amethyst smiled.

Smoky wiggled around in amethysts arms. Soon amethyst felt another one.

"Oh geez the other ones coming. Doc, help!" Steven called.

Pyrianca ran over to them and helped amethyst again "get ready to push!" she called out

Amethyst pushed harder and faster, she put all her might and love into it.

"The feet and waist are out! Your doing great, keep pushing!" Pyrianca said

Amethyst gave one more big push and the baby was out!

Pyrianca smiled "its a girl! A pink diamond!" she gave the baby to Amethyst and smiled "congratulations you two."

Steven smiled and mouth the words "thank you, doc!"

"What should we name her?" Steven asked

"How about gracie? I always find it appealing."

"Yeah, its a pretty cute name. I like it."

"Gracie diamond universe." Steven said with a smile

"They're so beautiful" amethyst said while smoky played with his toes

"They are."

Pyrianca cleaned them up and put diapers on them.

Amethyst looked at Steven "hey, can you promise me something babe?" she said

"Anything." Steven said as he held her hand.

"That no matter what, we'll never lie to our kids. We'll tell them about pink diamond, we'll tell them our history, without leaving anything behind. And if something bad happens to them, we will never rest until we do. That we'll be the best parents ever. Do you promise?" Amethyst said

"I do, amethyst." Steven smiled softly and kissed her head "I love you."

"I love you too." amethyst said and hugged him

A/N if your wondering what smoky and gracie look like, here they are



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Im to lazy to draw em as babies

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Im to lazy to draw em as babies. But Im sure you get what's going on. Lol

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