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The world is a truly dark place. Nobody is safe from its evil grasp, once you feel like you've gotten out of a truly bad point in your life you will get thrown right back in. It's not hard to just give up on everything that is around you, but it's definitely hard to keep going when all else has failed you.

Everyone deserves a pat on the back when they've decided to continue the Hell that is living on Earth. The problem is - not everyone has a person by their side to do it.

That's the exact case with Aiden - a girl with a dark past, but a will to live a long life.

"Heath, you should really stop over-working yourself," the old lady that owned the store which Aiden worked at said.

Aiden looked back at the lady as she put on her boots, " Over-working is the only thing a previously troubled teen could do, y'know?"

The old lady looked at Aiden with a pitiful look, to her Aiden was like a daughter. She had her under her wing for four years now, but the girl was still infatuated with the idea of working hard to get the money.

" At least be careful dear, okay? " the old lady said with a sigh.

" Okay! " Aiden yelled as she ran through the door just as fast as lightning because the girl was late for her shift at the old delivery building.

Aiden ran as fast as she could, ignoring the cold that was surrounding her body, the cold was trying to creep up on her legs, so they weren't as fast. On her hands, so they wouldn't be able to pick things up at an ideal speed and lastly on her neck, so she wouldn't be able to speak her mind.

After a few minutes of running, she had finally made it to her fifth part-time job, how great is it? Having five jobs just to be able to survive like a normal human being or having to have five jobs to finally escape the world? It really isn't that great, but Aiden never whined about it, at the end of the day it was her own fault that she ended up like this.

Aiden walked into the changing room to put on her uniform when she heard the speakers blast, " Aiden Heath please come to the boss's office."

Aiden changed into her uniform as fast as she could and made her way right to the office. This was her third time being late in the month, so it was unavoidable that she would have to face her boss at some point in the near future, but it happened sooner than she thought it would.

Three knocks on the door were enough to hear the angry tone of her boss's voice call out to come in. With shaking hands Aiden reached for the doorknob and stepped into the horrid dark red room.

It had old paintings placed at the empty parts of the deep red walls; those paintings probably cost more than Aiden's salary. Right in front of one of the big paintings was the boss's desk; it was crafted from old dark oak, which was probably older than the young boss herself.

" Heath, I think I already told you that next time you will be fired, didn't I? " The boss asked as she looked at Aiden with a sly smile.

It wasn't a secret that the boss didn't like the people that worked for her as none of them were truly loyal to her, so if she had a chance to fire one of her slaves she definitely would take it.

" I'm so so sorry boss, I ran as fast as possible and I was only a minute late! " Aiden explained as her voice started to sound more and more desperate. She had to keep this job because it was the only way she could get the money that she needs.

The boss crossed her arms in front of her chest and allowed her back to hit the back of the chair, " A minute too late."

" I-I am so sorry, I honestly tried to get here as soon as possible, it, " Aiden sighed before she continued, " it won't happen ever again, please forgive me. "

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