Chapter 2

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Younghoon was walking to class when Chanhee appeared and nudged his side. "Younghoonie~" He rolled his eyes at the stupid nickname Chanhee had given him. "I told you not to call me that." "Sorry. So, are you free after school today?" "Yes. Why?" "Let's get ice cream together." "I guess we could..." He faintly smiled as Chanhee did little cheers as they entered the classroom. Younghoon noticed a familiar figure leaning against the wall next to the board. "Changmin?" Changmin opened his eyes then gave Younghoon a smile. "So you're in this class? Guess I won't have to worry about not having a buddy." "Consider us friends. I'd like to get to know you." "Same here." They shook hands then Younghoon noticed how well their hands had fit together.

Class had ended and Younghoon found himself face to face with Chanhee. "Who was that?" "New kid, Ji Changmin." "He seems cool. I gotta get to my next class though. See ya!" Younghoon smiled softly as Chanhee left. "Oh ho ho. Is that your boyfriend?" Younghoon clicked his tongue, avoiding eye contact with whoever it was.

"No. Just because we're connected doesn't mean I have to love him." "Huh...?" He looked up and saw Changmin giving him a confused look. "I had said my thoughts aloud..." "No, he's not my boyfriend." "I don't know how people do it. Falling in love and all that mushy stuff. It makes me sick. Especially when you think you're both all in, but it was only you in the long run." Younghoon wasn't sure how to respond, but he did voice the question that rose in his mind. "Who hurt you?" "No one. I just don't care for romance. It's a waste of time." Younghoon only hummed in response, not wanting to dive deeper in yet. "Hey, do you believe in strings of fate?" "No. I don't believe in myths. If there's isn't anything that can prove they exist, I refuse to believe it." Younghoon sighed then subconsciously tugged on the strings. "What are you doing?" "'s a nervous habit."


The day had passed by and Younghoon sought out Juyeon. He entered their usual hangout spot then quickly turned around. "There they go again..." "Oh, hey Younghoon." He assumed they were done with their make out session and turned back around. "Save it for the bedroom." "You're just upset 'cause you don't have a lover." Juyeon hit his lover's arm who only cackled in return. "So, what's new, Youngfool?" "I swear, Juyeon, I'm going to strangle your boyfriend." "Hey, I can't control what he says." Despite what Jaehyun says, he did care for his friends in his own weird way. "Anyway, I learned that Changmin doesn't believe in love. Or myths."

Younghoon sighed as he thought of how someone couldn't believe in love. Though, he was one to talk, not believing in fate. "Well, he either had a bad experience or he just hasn't met the right person." "He claims he hasn't had a bad experience and I don't think he was lying." "How can you be so sure?" Younghoon thought about it then shrugged. He didn't know the answer himself.

The trio exited the classroom and Younghoon spotted Changmin talking to Chanhee. "That's weird. I never knew someone could have two red strings. I'll discuss it with my mom." he thought as they approached the two. "Younghoonie, where were you? You said you weren't busy after school." "One, you don't seem to understand that I don't like being called that. Two, I forgot about my after school meeting with Juyeon here." Chanhee crossed his arms and pouted. "Well, let's get going then Hoonie. See what I did there?" "I really wish I hadn't." Despite Chanhee's lame pun, Younghoon still gave a small smile.


"Younghoon, we've known each other since middle school." Younghoon didn't exactly like where this was going, as this is how most people start before confessing. He quietly ate his ice cream as he waited for Chanhee to continue. "I don't know. I just feel really giddy around you. It makes me happy getting to see you everyday." Younghoon wanted to stop Chanhee but he wasn't sure how to really tell him. "Chanhee..." He looked at Chanhee's face and immediately felt guilty for what he was about to say. "Are you confessing to me?" "No...yes..." "Chanhee...You're a wonderful person. Anyone would be lucky to have your heart. But, I don't think I could accept your feelings." He was surprised to hear Chanhee laughing, but assumed he was just masking his true feelings.

"I figured you couldn't. Though I was happy whenever you smiled at me. It made me believe I was making progress." "He isn't wrong...I did start to catch feelings at one point." he thought as Chanhee continued on. "I'm sorry, Chanhee. I know saying this will hurt even more, but we can still be friends. If you want to." "Sure, why not." He pulled Chanhee close then noticed that their red string had started to become a mixture of red and peach. "This is weird...Did my mom ever go through any of this? Though, this does prove my point." he thought as Chanhee offered him the rest of his ice cream.

"Mom, I'm home." He looked around but didn't see his mother. He went upstairs to her room and saw that she had headphones on. He tapped her shoulder and she took them off. "Hey, sweetie. Something troubling you?" "Yeah. My red string..." His mother looked down at his wrist then chuckled. "It can happen. As long as both parties honestly and truly want it." "So you've experienced it before?" His mother nodded then lifted up one of her peach strings. "This used to be a red string, believe it or not." "Wow, I never knew." "Of course not, I didn't think you were ready to learn about the complexity of it all." "And one more thing..." She gave him a small nod meaning for him to go on. "So, is it possible for someone to have two red strings?" "It is. It's unusual, but it happens. It's nothing bad." He nodded then sat down to tell her about his day.

a/n: don't forget to vote, share and comment! well that was a twist.

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