Chapter 22

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Younghoon pushed him over then immediately got up from the bed. "Is this how you make an entrance? You could've sent me into cardiac arrest!" Changmin sat up then crossed his legs. "Sorry. I didn't realize how much of a scaredy cat you were." Younghoon felt his heart beat speed up the longer he looked at Changmin. "Crap, Juyeon was right..." he thought as he walked towards the window. "Your mom and I planned this. The following thing and all." "Seriously?" "Yep." "No wonder she didn't sound concerned enough." He noticed that the light had turned on in the room and assumed Changmin had did it. "Where did you go?"

"That I can't tell you." "Then, did you manage to pay off the rest of the debt?" "Indeed." Younghoon started drawing invisible circles on the window sill as he couldn't bring himself to look at Changmin. "I thought I should let you know...My mom passed on." Younghoon let out a small gasp. "We were notified yesterday. My dad wants to give her a funeral, I'm against it." "I'm sorry to hear about your mom." "Karma may come back and bite me, but I say she deserved it." Younghoon finally turned around and saw that Changmin's face didn't match his tone of voice.

He took note of the new flower bracelet on Changmin where the indigo string used to be. Younghoon walked over to Changmin and embraced him while pulling him close. "We both know deep down, you're sad to know she's gone. You don't have to hide it." Younghoon could hear Changmin's quiet sobs which made him hold on tighter. "As much as I hate her, she's still my mom, you know? It's not fair...she was such a wonderful woman..." Younghoon patted Changmin's head as he let go. "Shit happens. Mistakes occur. We can't go back and undo them. We just accept them, learn from them and move on." He felt Changmin hit his arm. "I missed you." "How do you think I felt?"

They talked and talked until Changmin had realized the time. "I should go. I'm sure we both have classes in the morning." "I don't, but, you're right." Changmin got up from his bed then stopped as he opened the door. "That kiss. It wasn't really because of the dare, was it?" Younghoon's mouth went dry as he tried coming up with a believable lie. "I won't force you to answer. Tell me when you're ready." With having said that, Changmin closed the door behind him. Younghoon internally panicked as he wasn't sure what to do at this point.


~Time skip: 1 week~

"So, you still don't know if he's into guys?" "Right." "Bro, when do you plan on finding out? When he's with someone else?" "No." "Then what are you doing here? Go on and ask him." Younghoon sighed as he got up from his seat. "Juyeon, what would I do without you?" "Be dead in a ditch." "Funny."

Younghoon opened the door to the dance studio and saw quite a few people inside. He spotted Changmin over in a corner with Haknyeon. He noticed Changmin was being touchy with him and he could feel the jealousy bubbling up inside of him. "Relax. They're just helping each other out." he thought as he walked over to them. "Oh, hey Younghoon." "Hello, Younghoon." Younghoon greeted the both of them then cleared his throat. "We can talk in a bit. Haknyeon here just can't seem to get his hips to move like they should." "Sorry..." "I'm not scolding you, it takes time." Younghoon watched as Changmin held onto Haknyeon's waist. It took everything inside him to keep from pulling them apart.

"Keep practicing, Haknyeon. So, what's up?" "Did you really have to...hold his waist?" Changmin laughed then patted his arm. "Of course. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to find the problem. You can only see so much with your eyes." Younghoon bit his bottom lip then looked down at his wrist. "Are you into guys?" "What? Say that again?" Younghoon took a deep breath then asked again in a slightly louder voice. "I wouldn't know. I've never really felt anything for anyone all this time. Could be a possibility." "Oh." "Are you into guys?" "Yeah. Girls too." "Ah, you swing both ways." Younghoon nodded then felt Changmin give his back a pat. "Can we star gaze again tonight? I really had a good time last time." "Sure."

a/n: don't forget to vote, share and comment! whew, maybe things will start wrapping up soon.

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