Chapter 4

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"Defective? You really believe that?" Changmin nodded then took out his phone. "We don't really need it, we can be compassionate without love. It's possible." Younghoon could only stare at Changmin. "You're really fixated on this..." "Right. It'll take a miracle to convince me otherwise. That or someone I feel I wouldn't mind doing stupid things for, but that's impossible." "Well, I hope whoever it is finds you soon." He thought of the red string around Changmin's wrist that connected to Chanhee then wondered if Chanhee is that person.

"Hey, you've met my friend Chanhee, right?" "Is he the one with blond hair and a naturally pretty face?" "Bingo." Changmin nodded then changed his sitting position. "What about him?" "You should get to know him. He's a real great guy." "Well, if you're saying it, then it's got to have some truth." Younghoon looked away in embarrassment. "You trust my words?" "You don't look like the type to lie about things, but I could be wrong."

Younghoon rubbed the back of his neck then looked back at Changmin. He suddenly remembered what Jaehyun had told him earlier. "People say you look sweet, but you're actually cold hearted. This is made up, right?" "It was just once. She was seriously pissing me off." "Oh." Changmin patted Younghoon's shoulder then stood up. "Looks like we've talked long enough. Here." Younghoon took his hand as he helped him up. "We should talk more like this. It's quite enjoyable." Younghoon nodded then waved as Changmin had started walking away.

Younghoon entered his home and immediately made a bee line to the refrigerator in the kitchen. He noticed his mother wasn't around, so he figured she was busy with her side job. "Hey, kiddo." "You're home early, Dad." "My co-worker was kind enough to finish up for me." Younghoon gave him a small smile then left the kitchen with his snack.

"It's nice to have you at the dinner table again, dear." Younghoon loved the relationship that his parents had. They fought like any couple did, but they always worked out the kinks. "Mom, do you know why some people don't believe in love?" "Everyone has their reasons. It could be from watching their parents or from a really bad relationship." Younghoon quietly nodded and went back to eating. "Don't worry about it, kiddo. If they don't want to love, then let them. Just focus on you." "Got it..."


~Time skip: 1 week~

The weekend had arrived and Younghoon didn't have any plans, which wasn't unusual. He didn't mind it though, since he preferred to be alone when doing certain things. "Hoon, do you mind helping me around the house?" "Sure." He quietly helped his mother until his service was no longer needed. "Go our and have fun. Be an adolescence." "Don't you s-" His mother shushed him then sent him upstairs to go get changed.

He walked downstairs and watched his mother hold out some money to him. "I don't want to see you back here any time before 5, you hear?" "I understand." She ushered him out of the house then closed the door behind him. "Guess I'll go try that place out..." He dialed Juyeon's number and waited for him to pick up. "Hey. You don't usually call on the weekends." "I called to see how you and Jaehyun are after what I said yesterday." Younghoon took note of Juyeon's silence and started expecting the worst. "He admitted to it. We're...we're taking a break." "Taking a break is just delaying the inevitable...Why don't you come join me today? I'm heading to that snack shop that some people at school have been talking about." He received confirmation then hung up.

"Hey. So this is the place?" "Yep. I'll pay for the both of us." They were seated and shown the menu. "Just these?" "Yeah." The waiter walked away and they were left alone again. Younghoon looked at Juyeon's wrist and was sad to see spots of indigo on his red string. "Juyeon..." "Hm?" Younghoon bit his bottom lip then decided to tell him. "You're red' has indigo spots forming on it." Juyeon had seemed surprised at the news. "Be honest with yourself. Do you really want you two to end? I know you have to consider the fact he cheated as well..."

The waiter brought over their food and drinks then left. Younghoon continued to pat Juyeon's back as he cried into his chest. Younghoon handed him a napkin and watched Juyeon dab at his eyes. "Did you ask him why he did it?" "He claims that he just went along with her to hang out and didn't think things would go that far. How could he not?!" Younghoon sighed then looked at Juyeon's string. More than half of it was indigo. "Is there a problem?" Younghoon looked up and was surprised to see Changmin. "Oh. Hey there." "You work here?" "Well, I'm not wearing this for show." They chuckled and were surprised to hear Juyeon chuckle as well. "What happened here?" "Hi-" "My lover cheated on me."

Changmin clicked his tongue then gave Younghoon a smug look. "What did I tell you? You'll hurt more the deeper you were into it." "I'm sure Jaehyun didn't really want to cheat." "Well, it already happened. I still love him...but I can't accept this..." Younghoon was relieved to see that the indigo invasion had died down. "Well, he looks better. Now, back to what I came here for. Are you finding everything okay. Need anything?" They shook their heads, so Changmin bowed and left.

Juyeon waved to Younghoon as he made his way back home. Younghoon decided to stay behind and wait for Changmin's shift to end, whenever that was. He was also surprised to see him working at all. After what seemed like hours, he spotted Changmin leaving the snack shop. As if being drawn to him, he watched as Changmin made his way over to the convenience store where he waited. "Did you really wait this whole time?" "Yep." "Well, that was unnecessary, but sweet." "You seem to be popular with the ladies." Changmin shrugged as he leaned against the surface. "Your friend proved my point from the other day." "I'm aware. I really want to know what made you despise love." Changmin chuckled then gave him an answer. "Love itself."

a/n: don't forget to vote, share and comment! the agony...

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