Chapter 14

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Younghoon sat down on the other side along with the other spectators. He watched as other students performed their routines then looked at the teachers who were judging. He noticed they did a lot of writing and x's on their papers, so he feared Changmin might get a harsh grade. Changmin's turn had come up and Younghoon made a heart with his hands for Changmin to see while mouthing good luck.

Changmin had finished his routine then bowed to his teachers and the audience before walking off to the side with his other classmates. Younghoon thought that Changmin's performance was better than the first time. Everyone else had gone and the audience was told to leave. Younghoon took one last glance at Changmin before leaving.


Younghoon heard the door open and was disappointed to see that it wasn't Changmin. He sighed then sat down on the floor and brought his knees to his chest. "Hey, don't fall asleep out here." Younghoon looked up and saw Changmin holding his hand out to him. He took it then waited for Changmin to speak. "I did better than I thought I would. There's always room for improvement and I aim to improve my bad areas." He looked at the paper he was holding up then high fived him. "That's a pretty good score. Why don't we have an ice cream celebration?" "Sounds good to me." Younghoon chuckled as he and Changmin walked out of the building.

Younghoon couldn't help but watch as Changmin devoured his ice cream and ended up getting some on his nose. "Here, you got some on your nose." Changmin took the napkin then wiped his nose. "You know, you're pretty cute when you want to be." Changmin chuckled then took another spoonful of ice cream. "Are you flirting with me? Don't even bother. I am, and will remain, unphased." Younghoon took this as a challenge and decided to try his hand at it.

Younghoon seductively lick his spoon while facing Changmin. He heard Changmin's breath hitch then clear his throat. "What was that I heard?" "I don't know what you're talking about." Younghoon stood up then started poking Changmin's sides. "Did you actually like that Changmin? Come on, tell me." He drew his hand back as Changmin had viciously slapped it. He went back to his seat and ate his ice cream quietly.

"Fine. I did like it. Don't look so makes me feel bad." Younghoon raised an eyebrow at Changmin's confession. "He looks cute like this. Wonder if he'll let me take a picture." he thought as he took out his phone. He took a photo then noticed Changmin was glaring at him. "Delete it." "No." "Yes." "But you look so cute." Younghoon looked away in embarrassment as Changmin stared at him wide eyes and a blush on his face. Silence fell over them as they finished off their ice cream in silence. They left in silence as they were still embarrassed.

"Changmin, I didn't mean to say that." "You didn't?" "N-No...I hope I didn't make things awkward." Changmin shook his head then let a smirk form on his face. "It was quite flattering, but embarrassing." Younghoon sighed as he felt like disappearing. He didn't know why he felt so anxious before when Changmin fell silent. Or why he felt nervous now. "It couldn't be." he thought as he almost walked into a pole. "Younghoon? What are you thinking about?" "My brother." He was surprised that he had just lied. "Oh. Well, okay then." "Are you going home?" "Yeah." "I'm tagging along." He noticed Changmin had become serious. "No." "Why not?" "Because I said so. There's nothing there." "Won't know until I look, now will I?" Changmin sighed in defeat then led the way to his home.


Younghoon stepped through the front door and was greeted with darkness until Changmin turned on a light. "No one's home?" "He works late." Younghoon nodded then followed behind Changmin. The place looked as if no one actually lived in it. "You two are pretty tidy. That's good." "We're both hardly home, so only the things we need are used."

Younghoon followed him to the living room then sat down on the couch. "Do you want water?" "I'm fine. Thank you though." They sat in silence as Changmin used his phone. Younghoon finally decided to ask the question that's been on his mind forever. "Where is your mom and siblings?" He noticed Changmin had froze then glared at him. "Get out."

a/n: don't forget to vote, share and comment! things were going so well...

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