Chapter 12

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Younghoon knocked on Chanhee's door and waited for him to open up. "Did you finish with the important thing?" "Yeah. May I come in?" Chanhee stepped aside to let him in. "What's wrong?" Younghoon sat on the edge of bed then looked out the window. "Chanhee, go out with me." He looked down at his wrist and sure enough, the teal string looked distorted. "This is sudden, but okay?" He felt Chanhee wrap his arms around his neck then place his chin on top of his head. "I'm supposed to feel happy, but I don't. I'm just stressed...that's gotta be it." he thought as he gently caressed Chabhee's hand.


~Time skip: 2 weeks~

Younghoon stretched out as he had finally awakened from his slumber. He looked around him then remembered where he was. "Oh, you're awake. Hurry up and get ready. I have we have classes to get to." "Don't rush me, Chan..." Chanhee threw a towel at him and nagged him until he got up to go take a shower.

They walked out of the dorm hand in hand as Chanhee rambled on about his classmates. "I honestly believe they're jealous of my intelligence. Maybe if they actually studied when they were younger..." Younghoon chuckled as Chanhee continued to rant. They stopped outside Chanhee's building and Younghoon gave his forehead a kiss. "Don't torture them this time." "No promises." Younghoon watched him walk inside then made his way to his class.

He entered the classroom and took his seat. Juyeon came in not too long after and took his seat behind Younghoon. No words were exchanged between the two the entire time. Class had ended and Juyeon was quick to get up and leave. "Why is he acting like this?" Younghoon thought as he looked at their now light peach string. He couldn't help but notice that the teal string looked sickly. "Why does it continue to look like this? It's not like anything has changed between us." He felt like pulling his hair out in frustration. Everything was supposed to be better but took a turn in the opposite direction.

Younghoon waited a bit before leaving and heading to his next class. "How was class?" He turned towards Chanhee who was walking towards him. "I thought your class was at least a half hour longer." "She let us go early. So, how was class?" "He's still not talking to me. Neither is Jaehyun." Chanhee furrowed his brows as he looked deep in thought. "You could always deepen friendships with others. It doesn't just have to be them." Younghoon hummed in response as he thought about why he should and shouldn't replace Juyeon.


Younghoon noticed Jacob was jogging towards him after class had ended. Jacob was a mutual friend of Changmin and himself. "Younghoon." "Yeah?" "Changmin's in trouble. I don't know what or why, but I just got this text." Younghoon found it strange since he usually was told by their string. He briefly looked down at the still distorted and light looking string. "Do you know where he is?" "No, I've been asking him but he isn't responding. I've called a few times too." Younghoon looked at the text to see if there was any hint of where Changmin was. "Why is he always getting into trouble?" "Maybe trouble likes him?" Younghoon face palmed himself as he followed Jacob out of the hallway.

"I really wish the string would help out..." he thought as he lifted up the limp string. "Maybe he's not a campus." "Don't you have a class in an hour, Jacob?" "Yeah, but my best friend is in trouble. He's more important." Younghoon admired how Jacob was willing to put his grades on the line just for his best friend. "Oh! Another text. I don't understand this." Younghoon took a look and somehow knew what Changmin was trying to say. "I know. Let's go." Jacob gave him a puzzled look but followed anyway.

They looked around the area then Younghoon noticed a scene going on by the river. Younghoon went on ahead by himself and saw Changmin on all fours surrounded by some guys. He moved closer but remained out of sight so he could assess the situation. "Your pops still hasn't paid us back. How much longer do we have to wait?" He watched as Changmin received a swift kick to the stomach. "Answer when I ask a question." The guy kicked Changmin in the same spot then spit on him. "Let's go. We'll give you another month. If neither of you have it, I can't promise that you both will see the light of day."

Younghoon rushed over to Changmin who had fallen onto his side. "Changmin!" He gently shook him as he waited for an answer. "Younghoon? How did you-" Changmin clutched his stomach as the pain started spreading. "Don't talk. It isn't serious right..." He looked over Changmin who had a few open wounds on his arms and legs. "Can you get on my back?" Somehow Changmin had gotten onto his back and Younghoon hoped Changmin would be alright.

a/n: don't forget to vote, share and comment! so, seems like they're involved with bad people

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