Chapter 20

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Younghoon could only stare at Changmin. Did he hear him correctly? A kiss? "I'm messing with you. God, you should've seen the look on your face. Let's not do dares, so truth. Do you like someone?" "No." Once again, Younghoon had lied and he felt bad about it. "Really? Thought there could've been someone." "Well, since it's truth or truth, might as well just ask the question. Do you miss your mom at all?" "No." They continued on like this until Changmin decided that he had enough. "Let's get some sleep. We have to-" Younghoon was sure he'd regret this the following morning. He was surprised that Changmin wasn't resisting and eventually pulled away. "I couldn't leave the dare unfulfilled..." He quickly got up and left the room.


Younghoon woke up then remembered he had slept in the living room after last night's incident. "I just had to go and do it, didn't I? Now he's going know I like him and-" His thoughts were interrupted as he noticed that Changmin was hovering over him. "You scared me..." "Sorry. I wasn't sure what clothes I could borrow so..." He noticed that Changmin wasn't as bubbly and figured he was the reason why. "You can wear anything. I'll go shower first, since I have morning classes." Younghoon got up from the couch and walked upstairs followed by Changmin.


"You what?!" Younghoon had shrinked back as Juyeon had raised his voice. "Younghoon, that was an amazingly bold move." "Amazing? He probably feels weirded out by it. I don't even know if he's into guys." Juyeon tapped his pen on the table then pointed it at Younghoon. "Did he say anything about it?" "No." "Then I'm sure it's nothing bad." Younghoon groaned then let his head rest on the table. "It's cute seeing you this way. I honestly haven't seen you this way in a long time." Younghoon felt a tug on his wrist and looked to see which string it was. "I uh, need to go. Important phone call." Younghoon quickly got up and made his way over to where Jaehyun was. "Don't get caught with your pants down." If it wasn't for Jaehyun, Younghoon would surely have Juyeon by the throat.

He eventually found Jaehyun in his room on his laptop. Jaehyun and his roommate never locked their door, so just about anyone could walk in. "Oh, great timing. I was just about to call you." "What for?" Jaehyun turned his laptop around and showed him. "It's a song for Juyeon. I plan to sing it for him as an additional birthday gift." "I didn't know you could be so romantic." Jaehyun threw a pillow at him which he easily dodged. "Well, it's nice to see you're planning ahead. If you want my advice, I say..."

Younghoon helped Jaehyun properly organize the song then wondered if this really all the string wanted him to do. "Thanks, Younghoon. You really are gifted." "You didn't call me Youngfool or Younghoe. It's going to snow." Jaehyun playfully shoved him then showed him the gift he planned to get for Juyeon. "Juyeon's always wanted one, but the price is steep." "I know, that's why I've been working." "It's going to snow twice in a row." Jaehyun rolled his eyes then closed his laptop. "Your work here is done. Begone." They both chuckled then Younghoon left the room feeling better than earlier.


Younghoon was walking home after a long day of classes when he saw two guys in suits walk in. "I really hope they don't find them." he thought as he continued to keep a blank face. He got on the bus then took out his phone to call Changmin. "Hey." "They were at the school again. I'm really starting to worry they'll find out about us being friends." He waited for Changmin to respond then heard the sound of a door opening and closing. "Changmin?" He moved his phone away from his ear and saw he had hung up. "Rude..."

He arrived home then headed up to his room. "I'm b-" He looked around and saw no Changmin. He checked everywhere in the house and came to the conclusion that he had left. "Oh, Hoon. Changmin told me to tell that he was leaving and not to worry about him. I tried stopping him but he wouldn't budge." The one time Younghoon wanted the string to tighten, it wouldn't. "I guess he must be okay if it's not..." He quietly sighed as he walked into his room and flopped onto his bed.

a/n: don't forget to vote, share and comment! i wonder how his father is doing

To Each His Own | BbangKyu ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora