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sometime in the distant future...

"And break." Younghoon slowly walked over to where his towel hung and wiped his face. He felt gross as he was coated in sweat and dried sweat. However, he was pleased as it meant he was working hard. The door opened and a familiar face put a smile on his. "Jiwoo." He jogged over to her then gave her a brief hug. "Don't ever hug me again while you're all sweaty. Anyway, I brought food." "Ah, have I ever told you how much I love you?" "Hm, nope. Never." They both laughed as Jiwoo started taking things out of the bag.

Younghoon walked back in and sped over to the food. "So, are things getting better...?" She sighed as she shoved rice into her mouth. "Nah...They are trying though. I appreciate that at least." Younghoon nodded then heard his phone ring. "Do you mind?" She shook her head and motioned for him to step out. He closed the door behind him then answered the call. "Hoon, they won't let me in." "Stop whining. I'll come down." He pokef his head into the room and informed Jiwoo of the situation. She nodded and he quickly headed downstairs.

"No one told us you were expecting a guest." "I didn't know either." He grabbed his wrist and quickly pulled him along. "Hey, don't hold me so tight..." "Oh." He let go then boarded the elevator. "Are you surprised?" "No, not really." He pouted then proceeded to hit Younghoon's arm. The doors opened and they stepped out. They entered the room and Younghoon was surprised to see another person besides Jiwoo. "Juyeon, when did you get here?" "Like a minute ago. Who's the guest?" "Don't act like you don't know me." Juyeon laughed then ushered him over.

"So, I finally get to meet you, Changmin." Jiwoo held out her hand and Changmin happily shook it. "So, what's the relationship between you two?" She looked between Younghoon and Changmin. "He hasn't told you?" "The reason is-" "We're dating." Jiwoo gasped then started smirking. "Why did you say he was only a friend?" Juyeon quietly sipped his juice as the questioning continued. "Do you not want to date me anymore...?" Younghoon kissed his forehead and assured him that that wasn't the case. "It's just Jiwoo over here is quite the blabbermouth and we both know your company doesn't tolerate dating."

Changmin sighed then leaned against Younghoon. "I don't want to be there anymore. I don't want to hide you." "Aww..." The couple looked at the two who were now cooing. "We'll let you two have some alone time." She dragged Juyeon out of the room and they were now alone. "Should I just quit and get a different job...?" "Not after all the hard work you've put in. We both know how hard it was to get signed." "You're right...I just want to be able to call you more than just my best friend on social media. I want everyone to know that I'm absolutely in love with Kim Younghoon."

Younghoon gently kissed Changmin and was pleased with the familiar shimmer that radiated from their beautiful teal and periwinkle mixed string. They broke apart and Younghoon felt tempted to kiss him yet again. "Once is enough. You know what happens when we go for another..." "Right..." "Are they coming back to eat this...?" "Probably not. And I bet they're listening right outside the door too." Changmin quietly got up and walked over to the door. He opened it and in fell Jiwoo and Juyeon. "Heeeey." The couple rolled their eyes as Jiwoo and Juyeon fixed themselves and joined them.

thank you all for waiting! I decided to go with fluff because we all need some rn after what deobis have experienced for the past two days. new hair colors and that teaser.

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