Chapter 33

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"Mom! Look at this." His mother walked over and looked at the book in awe. "How did you get this?" "Changmin." His mother opened the book then immediately closed it. "I don't know the language." His mother's eyes lit up then she took out her phone. "What are you doing?" "Calling your father. He knows it." Younghoon sat down as he listened to the conversation. "Good news is, he said he'll translate for us. Bad news is, he has to work late today." "I can wait."


Younghoon's father walked in and saw two eager faces staring at him while one held the book out to him. "I just got here..." They pulled him into the living room and sat him down on the couch then placed the book on his lap. He read over the basic knowledge then turned to the page with a periwinkle string. "What's it say?" "It's called 'True Soulmates', whatever that is. It's the next stage after true love. A major event has to occur and the couple has to have a strong sense of trust and love while overcoming it." Younghoon remembered the periwinkle pattern on the teal string and looked at it once more. "True soulmates huh..."

He heard his father flip the page and talk about other strings they've never heard of before. "A teal string, this is hard to read." "Come on, stop joking." "Fine, fine. It says 'Purest of Love'. It says it usually forms around time of birth." Younghoon asked his father to find the pages that talked about string movement. "It says tugging of a string means something important is happening or is about to happen. Tightness means trouble is about to happen. The tighter it is, the more serious it is. Really loose strings means the relationship is disappearing because they're forgetting each other."

They listened to his father translate a few more pages before he closed the book. "I need to get to work. We can do this another time." Younghoon's father left the living room and Younghoon was happy to have learned more about  the strings. "Well, I'm sure your questions have been answered." Younghoon nodded as he looked at the book once more.

He dialed Changmin's number and didn't have to wait long for him to pick up. "This is your husband speaking." "So I ha-Wait, husband?" He heard Changmin burst out in laughter then waited for him to quiet down. "Anyway, I know you're not going to believe me, but I'm going to tell you. I can see strings of fate." Younghoon expected Changmin to laugh or make fun of him, but he was nothing but silent. "That sounds pretty cool." "I thought you didn't believe in myths." "But I believe in you." Younghoon wasn't sure how to respond to something like that, so he kept quiet. "So, is it just red strings?" "No. More like numerous colors."

"Do we have a red string?" "No, it's teal. That now has a periwinkle pattern in it." "What does it mean?" "I didn't know until I took the book home. Teal strings only appear at birth and it means purest of love. And periwinkle means true soulmates." He heard Changmin chuckle and could tell he was smiling widely on the other end. "That's really cute. I'm glad it's you. If someone asked me if I'd do it all again, hell yes I would." Younghoon softly laughed then decided to question him. "And why is that?" "Because I'm whipped for you. Like, I'd do anything for you at this point." Younghoon started thinking of things that he might possibly ask Changmin to do for him, but instantly pushed the thoughts away. "I'm going to hang up now. See you." "Love you." "What?" "I said, hug you." Changmin had hung up before Younghoon could confront him.

a/n: don't forget to vote, share and comment! have your strings questions been answered?

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