Chapter 16

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~Time skip: 3 weeks~

Younghoon was walking to the dance studio when Chanhee suddenly bumped his side. "Oh, hey." "You don't seem happy to see me." "It's not that. Just wasn't expecting it." Chanhee walked along side him unaware of where they were going. "You've been looking happier lately. Who's the girl? Or guy." Younghoon remained silent as Chanhee continued to ask. "Fine. Don't tell me." "Who said it was because of a person?" "True. If it isn't a person, then why can't you tell me?" Younghoon groaned as he opened the door of the building. "Okay, okay. I'll stop asking." Younghoon opened the door to the dance studio then smiled when Changmin turned to face him. Chanhee quietly chuckled as he figured out what it was.

"You brought company? Even better." Younghoon was confused until he remembered Chanhee had tagged along. "So, are you going to help evaluate him?" "Might as well. I don't feel like attending the club meeting." They both sat down and waited for Changmin. "So, it's Changmin." Chanhee knew he hit the nail on the head when he heard Younghoon's breath hitch. "Changmin is pretty damn attractive. It's a shame he doesn't have any interest in love." "Don't remind me." "You two ready?" The duo had ceased their whispering and gave Changmin a nod.

Younghoon felt embarrassed as Chanhee continued to clap loudly after Changmin had finished. "Chanhee, that's enough." Changmin chuckled then sat down in front of the duo. "Thanks for coming to evaluate me, Younghoon. I think today's the last day I'll ask." "Oh, okay." Younghoon felt disappointed but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. "You're still welcome to come. Just send me a text beforehand so you don't end up walking in on someone else." "Got it." "Is anyone else hungry? Just me? Guess I'll go get something from the vending machine." "Oh, could you get me something too?" Chanhee nodded then happily made his way out of the studio.

"How were your classes?" "Torture. He kept picking on me saying 'you're going too low' or 'you're too high'." "Bummer." Changmin tapped his chin then snapped. "Sing something for me." "Anything?" Changmin nodded then took out his phone. "Do you mind if I record?" "Nah. What's your favorite song?" After a bit of discussion, Younghoon began singing. Changmin had stopped recording as Younghoon had finished. "That was beautiful, Younghoon. It was like angels came down and personally sang me a song." Younghoon covered his face to hide the blush that colored his cheeks. "You're really talented." "Stop it. I feel embarrassed enough..." "Just stating facts. Are you okay, though?" He watched as Changmin reached over and put his hand on his forehead.

"This won't work. I hope you don't mind..." Younghoon started panicking on the inside as Changmin put his forehead against his. "You're burning up. You sure you're okay?" "Yeah..." "I'll take your word for it. Where's Chanhee, I'm starving." As if on cue, Chanhee entered and tossed Changmin his snack. "Perfect timing." Chanhee gave him a wink then sat down. "So, what did I miss?" "Younghoon's angelic voice." "Ahh...It always won over girls and a few guys back in the day." Younghoon hit Chanhee's arm then huffed. "You make it seem like we're dinosaurs." Changmin laughed then rested his hand on Younghoon's thigh. "That's a cute way of saying old." Chanhee started laughing as well while Younghoon stood up and walked away from them.


Younghoon sighed as Juyeon sipped on his tea. "You poor soul." "Don't remind me. I don't know how it happened and I don't want it to continue." Juyeon blinked then stifled his laughter. "Younghoon, as someone who's fallen for someone, once you're in, it's really hard to leave. Just accept it and let it happen. Maybe he'll like you back." This caused Younghoon to sit up and stare at Juyeon. "What makes you think he'll even look my way?" "Who wouldn't? You're handsome, have amazing vocals, you're dancing is presentable, you're kind, smart, adventurous, hu-" "I get it. I want him. But, I'm afraid he's still immune to love." "You idiot, no one is immune to love. He just hasn't realized that he can't live without you." They heard a knock on the door, so Juyeon got up to see who it was. "Hey handsome." "I know, you mean yourself." "Actually, not today." Younghoon rolled his eyes as he couldn't stand the cheesiness between the two.

a/n: don't forget to vote, share and comment! juyeon, an intellectual, amirite

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