Chapter 31

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Younghoon walked to the dining hall with Chanhee and Hyunjoon then spotted Juyeon sitting alone. "Hey, I'm gonna go talk to Juyeon. I'll join you two in a bit." Younghoon walked over to Juyeon then wrapped his arms around his neck. "Hey you." "Hey, Younghoon." Younghoon nuzzled his cheek against Juyeon's then noticed he was looking over some papers. "Whatcha got there?" "Oh, nothing important." He watched Juyeon stuff the papers in a book then start eating. "You're quiet today." "I'm not loud like Jaehyun. Thought you knew me best." "I do, and I know you aren't like this." Juyeon had moved Younghoon's arms from around his neck, took his hand then guided him to one of the seats.

"I'm just stressed because of tests." Younghoon peered into Juyeon's face and took notice of his serious look. "Is there more?" "No." "Don't lie." "I'm not." They heard someone sit down at the table and Younghoon noticed that Juyeon had moved away from Jaehyun. He couldn't understand what the problem as their string looked perfectly fine. "Maybe its just a misunderstanding..." he thought as he continued to observe the two. "Juye-" Juyeon immediately stood up, grabbed his stuff and walked away. "Juyeon, where are you going?" "Anywhere that  Jaehyun isn't." Younghoon looked back at Jaehyun who looked frustrated. "What did you do now?" "For once, I don't know. I just went over to his room one day and everything was fine. Then he snapped."

"Did you make any sexual moves...?" He noticed Jaehyun had gone silent and took it as a confirmation. "Maybe he thinks you just want him for sex. And if that's not it then, you're on your own. Mostly because I don't know what happened that day." Younghoon stood up and patted his back before heading over to Chanhee. "You said a bit, but that was like hours." "Your friend seemed upset. What happened?" "Oh, just...lover's quarrel." Hyunjoon nodded in understanding then went back to their previous topic.


"I think Juyeon has every right to be upset. But, nothing will be solved if he keeps avoiding him." Younghoon sighed as he watched Changmin slowly go over some dance moves. "It's still good to see Jaehyun is putting in effort unlike in the past." "He didn't in the past?" Younghoon shook his head then felt a tug on his wrist. "Juyeon..." "What about him?" Younghoon looked up and saw Changmin had a curious look on his face. "I have an idea. You call Jaehyun here and I'll do the same with Juyeon. We'll force them to talk, but let's get Jaehyun here first." He waited for Changmin to finish his call and patiently waited before calling Juyeon.

Jaehyun entered the studio then slid over to where they sat. "Did you need something?" "Yep. Just wait." Younghoon had stood up and walked over to the door so he could keep Juyeon from leaving. The door finally opened after some time and Juyeon walked in. "Oh, hey Younghoon." Juyeon looked to his left and immediately turned around to walk out, but Younghoon dragged him away from the door. "You two are going to sit here and talk. We'll give you privacy, but keep you from leaving." Younghoon sat Juyeon down then went to stand by the door with Changmin. "Should we just leave him like that?" "They've been dating since forever. Jaehyun knows how to handle a violent Juyeon." He gave Changmin a reassuring pat on the head as they watched Jaehyun calmly keep Juyeon from creating bloodshed.

"Huh, that was quicker than I thought." They watched as Jaehyun held a crying Juyeon. "Woah. Is Jaehyun crying too? That's a rare sight." "It is?" "The only person he cries in front of is Juyeon, but even then he doesn't do that often. He doesn't want to appear vulnerable in front of others." Changmin nodded in understanding as he followed behind Younghoon. "Is everything okay now?" The sitting couple nodded as Juyeon hid Jaehyun's face. "I'm going to take him somewhere isolated. You know how he feels about shedding tears." "Take pics for future blackmail." "I'm right here!" They all laughed as Jaehyun was clearly upset now.

a/n: don't forget to vote, share and comment! this seems like filler doesn't it?

To Each His Own | BbangKyu ✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن