Chapter 19

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Younghoon had taken Juyeon off of speaker as he closed the door to the guest room. "Juyeon!" "Oh, hey." Younghoon moved away from the door then sat on the edge of the bed. "What were you going to tell Changmin?" "Not much. Just that you like someone. See if it got a reaction from him." "You can only tell so much from a phone call." "Well, I guess we'll never know now will we. Oh! There were some guys on campus who looked really proper. Suits and all."

Younghoon groaned then lied back on the bed. "Is something wrong?" "Yes. They're after Changmin and his father. They came ahead of schedule and they can't do much at the moment." He was greeted with silence on the other side. "Okay. I'm assuming Changmin won't be able to come to school like he usually did. Since I'm a double major, I'm sure I can get the work he'll miss." "Did I ever tell you how much I love and appreciate you?" "Nope. Never." They both started laughing then said goodbye before Younghoon hung up.

Younghoon sat up and saw Changmin leaning against the closed door. "I'm guessing they were at the school?" "Yeah. Juyeon said he'd bring over the work you'll miss during this time. I figured that I'd meet up with him somewhere on campus and have him give me the work." "Whatever you think is best." Younghoon couldn't help but feel bad for Changmin because of the situation he's in. He watched as Changmin walked over and gave him a hug. "I really don't deserve you. You shouldn't have to get involved in our mess." "But I want to." Changmin looked down at Younghoon who had returned the gesture and pulled him close. "You're dear to me, and I want you to be happy, healthy and safe."

"I'm the person who's dear to you?" Younghoon suddenly remembered what he said back then about breaking up with Chanhee because of someone dear to him. He figured there's no point in lying at this point, so he quietly nodded. "I'm glad...because you're dear to me too." Younghoon knew Changmin didn't mean it in the way he had hoped, but that didn't keep him from blushing. "Thank you, Younghoon. I truly am glad that I met you when I did. Who knows, I could be six feet underground by now." "Don't say that." "But it's true." They heard the door open but remained in their current position. "Well, if either of you are hungry, I made dinner early." "Thanks Mrs. Kim." The door closed and he felt Changmin pull away.

As Younghoon walked downstairs, he saw an unfamiliar boy standing next to his brother. "Oh! This is my brother, Younghoon." Younghoon waved as the guy briefly bowed. "I'm Lee Sangyeon, Eric's friend. We've been friends for 2 years and I'm just now meeting you. Strange." Younghoon nodded in agreement as he looked at Eric skeptically. "A-Anyway, he's going to be staying the night." Younghoon nodded then remembered they only had one guest room. "There's no way I'm going to let them sleep in the same room. I guess I have to make sacrifices..." he thought. "He can stay in the guest room. I'll have to let Changmin know..." He turned around and went back upstairs to his room.

"I have news. One, my brother is finally making moves, too fast if you ask me. Two, you're going to have to sleep in my room. I've slept on the couch before, and it's not that bad, so don't worry about me." "You sure you don't want to share the bed? It'll be warmer." "I rather you be comfortable." Changmin took a bite of the bimbap he had then sighed. "I will refuse to use your bed unless you're in it too." "Don't be stubborn." "Pot calling the kettle black." Younghoon sighed in defeat and agreed to Changmin's demand. "Trust me, everything will be fine." Younghoon checked his wrist for confirmation and saw a brief shimmer of violet. "Right..."


Night had fallen and Younghoon's nerves were at an all time high. Changmin entered the room while drying his hair with one hand. "You look like you're about to have a panic attack." "Maybe I am." Younghoon felt the bed dip. "Go to sleep soon. Staying up late isn't good for your health." Younghoon took a deep breath as he turned off the lamp then climbed into bed on the other side. As he closed his eyes, he felt an arm drape over his side. "Younghoon..." He couldn't deny that fact that Changmin whispering his name was hot, but he figured now wasn't the time for that.

"Turn around and face me." "Didn't you say-" He felt Changmin's breath on his neck and was instantly silenced. "Just do it." Younghoon reluctantly rolled onto his other side and was now face to face with Changmin. "Now what?" "We talk." "But we could've done that-" He felt Changmin place his finger on his lips. "It's more fun this way, wouldn't you agree?" "I guess..." Younghoon couldn't help but blush at their close proximity. He hoped that it was dark enough that Changmin couldn't see it. "Let's play Truth or Dare." "Fine." He instantly regretted agreeing, but it was too late to turn back now. "Truth or dare." "Dare." "I dare you to kiss me."

a/n: don't forget to vote, share and comment! ooo, why did you agree hun....

To Each His Own | BbangKyu ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें