Chapter Nineteen

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Sophie was scared. She could admit it. She was afraid of what her best friend would say. Biana was coming into the room, maybe angry, maybe sad, maybe confused. With Biana, it was hard to register what emotions were coming from her; even Keefe the Empath had a hard time with it. Sophie hoped that Biana wouldn't be mad though, because she needed Biana in a normal mood to have a talk with her.

senThe door creaked open and a nail-polished hand grabbed the side of the door. Biana walked in the room, cape and dress perfect, not a wrinkle in sight, makeup glamorous as usual. She didn't look angry, but she also didn't look very happy. Hopefully, that was just because Sophie was in a sick bed and not because she hated Sophie for breaking her brother's heart, but Sophie couldn't tell. Maybe Fitz hadn't told her anything.

"Hey Sophie! How are you feeling? Are you good? Does it hurt anywhere? What happened?" Biana's voice was energetic, full of the usual overwhelming mass of questions, but it sounded fake somehow. Sophie looked at Biana and said,

"I guess I'm okay. I mean, it hurts to sit up, and my head aches, but it's not the worst I've ever felt." She stopped and asked hesitantly, "Did Fitz tell you what happened? Or Keefe?" Sophie asked anxiously.

Biana scoffed. "No, those idiots wouldn't tell me anything about anything that happened. All I know is that Fitz is outside bawling like a baby, and the last time that happened was... I don't even know! He's never cried like that before, and it's starting to get scary." Biana had the decency to look worried. "And Keefe, he's kicking everything and everyone around like we're his little punching bags. I mean, he's already shattered a lamp and a mirror. That was my mirror, by the way. The house is probably ruined by now. And Dex... he's worried but he's caught up in mooning about some girl named Dina. Is that the girl on his Matchmaker's Scroll?" Biana was obviously nervous-chatting, scared and confused on what to say to Sophie. Sophie worried about her but let Biana rant all her anger out. She knew it was for the best and would leave Biana in a calmer state for her to talk to. "And now, they think of me as someone who can't 'handle' the details, as if I'm a baby! I'm almost sixteen! What did they expect? That I wouldn't ask questions? Tam and Linh are in some sort of twin thing where they sit on the floor and pray with their eyes closed and it's really weird." Biana sighed and sat down. "Sophie, could you just tell me what happened and how everyone ended up like this?"

Sophie opened her mouth. "Biana... please promise me something first."

Biana sighed. "What is it, Sophie?"

"Promise that you won't be mad at me when I tell you what happened. Most of it was my fault, and I'm incredibly sorry, so please don't be angry at me. I can't bear to have another person angry at me after everyone else is."

Biana nodded. "I promise? What's going on, Sophie? Why is everyone angry at you?" Biana asked anxiously.

Sophie decided to start out by taking the leap. "I think... I broke your brother's heart." Sophie braced for the attack from Biana, but Biana did something completely unexpected.

She laughed. Biana had never laughed like this in Sophie's presence before, and Sophie watched with awe as Biana laughed, slapping her thighs and crying tears of joy. She laughed and laughed and laughed until she complained of not being able to breathe. Sophie found this scene oddly funny and broke into laughter with Biana. Between fits of laughter, Sophie managed to get out,

"Why are we laughing again?"

Biana calmed herself down for a few minutes before breaking into another fit of laughter. Sophie tried to calm herself. Laughing this hard had started to hurt her. Finally, both girls were calmed down enough to talk.

Biana giggled, "Broke his heart? Don't be so sure about that!" Biana grinned. "Sophie, every girl makes Fitz angry at some point or sad. Or hurt. Or something. He's sensitive and he's stupid. He doesn't know how to deal with girls. So his resort is to make it look like he's sad or angry, when in reality, he's just super confused as to what just happened. He like doesn't know how to speak to us females. We have this power over him! He's literally come to ask me why girls act this way or that after someone dumps him." She giggled. "Imagine, my brother, the big so-called powerful Fitz Vacker, asking his little sister for girl advice."

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