Chapter Thirty-Eight

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So I recently realized that these were never published to Wattpad but instead were only on I apologize for that! I also edited them but I am planning to do a total-story revision if you guys want!

Fitz leaned down his head and put his arm around Sophie's shoulders as they got off of the plane. It had been a long, boring flight and Sophie had fallen asleep in Fitz's arms. Now, she felt groggy and her mind was cloudy. But her mind awakened as she felt Fitz's strong arm basically holding her up. She winced as she thought about the uncomfortable pain Fitz must have been in this entire flight. She stood up straight  and stretched and squinted around.

"Where are we?" She looked around for clues but there basically weren't any. It was just like any other airport.

Fitz looked like he could barely hold his excitement in as he said breathlessly: "Sophie... I would like to welcome you to... the wonderful and beautiful country of... Japan."

Sophie took in a quick breath, wanting to squeal but knowing that that would only earn her a few weird glances from the humans around her. She had always wanted to go to Japan after hearing about the beautiful cherry blossom trees and tall gorgeous pagodas. It was supposed to be really pretty there and she was excited.

She studied her husband's face. "Fitz... how did you know I wanted to go to Japan?"

Fitz shrugged, grinning, obviously pleased with himself. "I didn't. Just thought it would be nice. When I was out looking for you, I visited here once and I thought it was really pretty but honestly, I was so focused on my mission that I didn't really care. Now that I'm with you, I thought it would be nice to come back and experience it all together." Sophie smiled at her husband. Fitz sighed. "That was cheesy."

"No, it was beautiful." Sophie sighed in pleasure and nestled in closer to her husband. They walked out of the airport together and Sophie gasped at the sights that betook her eyes within seconds. They had landed in the center of Japan, it seemed, and it was full of tall buildings, bright lights, and skyscrapers towering above everyone. There were bridges and advertisements and blinding signs pointing to various restaurants. Japan was huge.

They walked to Hotel Hilton Tokyo and got settled. It was a nice hotel and they were pleased with the room. They unpacked quickly and then they walked back downstairs to the hotel's lobby and outside. Sophie had to admit: she was hungry. Fitz looked down at her.

"Do you want traditional Japanese food or do you want Americain or something else? I mean, we're here for five days instead of seven because of the hotel or whatever but that should be enough time to eat a ton of something called... sashimi." Sophie laughed. Fitz stared at her. "What?"

"I never thought I would hear Fitz Vacker say 'sashimi' without wincing," Sophie giggled.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Do you not know what sashimi is?" Sophie asked.

Fitz looked baffled. "Well... no, not really."

Sophie couldn't wait to tell him.

"It's raw fish."

Fitz gagged and took a step away from her. "Really? And here I was thinking it was some sort of... I don't even know. How can humans stand to eat an animal? Even if it is raw?"

"It's actually really good," Sophie said. "You should honestly try it."

"No. I WILL NOT EAT MEAT," Fitz shouted.

"Okay, okay. Jeez. Don't yell at me like that," Sophie said.

"I'm sorry. But like... that goes against everything I've ever learned. I mean, I'm sure it's amazing but still... I don't want to try it."

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