Headed off to Beacon

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Sam's POV:

The night was coming to a close and the others were waking up. I had night-watch today, given how we had to stay outside. We managed to kill a deer and make a fire, so that was our dinner last night.

"Mmm. Brother? That you?" Tia just woke up.

I looked down, sunlight drifting through the leaves and beated down on us, our Ghosts basking in the power. "Yep. Something wrong?"

"Can I kill stuff now?"

"If you find wildlife, sure."

She smiled and sat up, her Iron Banner sleeping bag slipping down to her waist, revealing her bra. I simply pointed and she fumbled around for a tee before putting it on with a blush, her tee the same one as it was yesterday.

"Uh, c-could you, er...?"

I looked away, chatting with my Ghost. Eventually, everyone woke up and got changed, then we made way for the airship, hiding our scarred faces from parents and students. Managing to get on just in the nick of time, we stayed in a bundle, letting our Ghosts exchange information. The trip was uneventful, the only interesting thing being the discovery Ruby had a sister... who... used... her... fists for... fighting... oh traveler. Let her and my sister NEVER meet on the battle field.

Landing at Beacon, the first thing to escape our mouths were "are we back at the Tower?"
Well, Luke's was "I hope Cayde's feeding my pet chicken..."

We all looked at him. "You... have a pet chicken."

"Yep! Her first name is Kentucky, middle name Fried, last-"

"Is Chicken, isn't it."


We all facepalmed while Luke beamed.

Walking towards the auditorium, Ruby blew up behind us in an explosion of Sol and Arc Light, along with a bit of ice. Hiding in the corner, we watched as Ozpin gave a speech while half-into it, with Glynda giving out bedding instructions.

Fuck. I bet a hundred students'll come and ask about the logo on our bags.

Ghost: Just tell them that it's a fitness group.

I smirked. Nice thinking, Ghost.

Ghost: Just add it to the tip.

I chuckled and headed to the ballroom, rolling out a sleeping bag in the middle. My fellow Guardians rolled out their bags next to me and before anyone came in, we changed using our Ghosts. My precious sister, Tia, scooched over to me and hugged me. I noticed tears runnig down her cheeks as she hid her face in my shoulder.

"Tia, what's wrong?"

"I... I just remembered a bit of my past. We... we were murdered... by Fallen..."

I held her close. "Shhhh. It's in the past."

Erica looked at me. "What, Hellmouth?"

"No. Our lives before becoming Guardians. She's remembering."

Luke's eyes grew huge. "Woah, no way. She's remembering her p-?!?"

I shut him up with my hand. "I swear, you talk more than Cayde."

"That a good thing?"

We glared at him.

"Apparently not. Night y'all."
He fell asleep.

I held Tia in my arms, comforting her in one of her weakest moments, something you never see. She's always this tomboy, let's-go-punch-stuff kinda gal, you'd never expect her to be able to shatter so easily. But then again, we live hundreds of lives as Guardians, so it was bound to happen eventually. As such, I comforted my sister to the best of my abilities. Eventually she fell asleep and when she did, I rested her head on the pillow my Ghost found next to my corpse. Or more precisely, hers.

My Ghost found my corpse a full year before Tia's found hers, and thus, my Ghost thought the pillow belonged to me in my previous life. Speaking of Ghosts, mine was hiding in my sweat-shirt pocket.

"Pst. Ghost. Start a recording. Make it so that it gets into Zavala's hands."

"Go ahead. Tape's rolling."

"Zavala. Or who ever is watching this. I am Titan Sam, here with me are Striker Tia, Hunter Luke, and Warlock Erica. We were transported to another world, much like Earth pre-Golden Age, when we tried to enter the Infinite Forest. We have enrolled in a school called Beacon Academy and we are currently in the first night here. Guardian, or whomever, if you are listening to this and Zavala or Lord Saladin still fight, please, bring this message to them.

My sister, Tia, has begun to remember bits of our past together, before we became Guardians. We don't know how, nor why, but I have a feeling something is in the air, helping us to remember. I remember the day I became an Iron Lord like it was a minute ago. I can remember every sight, every sound. No detail escape my grasp. Before, I sometimes struggled to remember after my countless resurrections, but now I remember all of my Guardian past. It's... it's a wonderful feeling.

This has been Titan Sam, signing off."

My Ghost sighed. "Done. Nice speech, Young Wolf. Let's make a glimmer deposit so that Guardians definitely find our little message... annnndddd... there!"

I noticed a bit of glimmer get hidden in the wall and I smiled. Closing my eyes, a strange dream came to me. It was in the perspective of a young me, and before me, a woman laid in a bed, with a man by her side. The woman seemed to be in pain, and that's when it struck me. I was reliving a memory.

Watching my mom give birth, I witnessed Tia being brought into the world. As soon as the ordeal was done, my dad waved me over. Waddling over, I struggled to climb onto the bed, and once I did, I saw my sister in my mom's arms. She was kicking and punching the air, like the proud Titan she'll become.

"Go on! Name your baby sister!"

I looked at her chubby face. "Tia."


I nodded. "Tia!" I then booped her nose, causing her to giggle.

She latched onto my arm and began sucking on my thumb as she smiled. Hugging my sister, we both fell asleep in our parents' grasp. When I woke up, it was to a fidgeting Tia, whom I had grasped tighter.

I let her go. "Sorry, Tia."

She gave me a punch to the gut and I winced.
Ghost: That's gunna leave a mark.

Shut up.

We got up and walked to the locker room, and as soon as we were in our respective bathrooms, we changed into our armor using Ghosts. Rushing to Beacon Cliff, we got onto the pads and looked at Ozpin.

"Now what?"

He smiled at us. "We're going to launch you into the fray."

In narrowed my eyes at him. "What are you-?"


Looking to my left, Tia was gone.

"You b-!"

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