Legends Revealed

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Blake's PoV:

How did Luke die and get back up? Or did he die? What is going on?

I was too focused on figuring out how Luke got back up from that shot to read. Weiss noticed this.

"Blake. You're not reading a book. You thinking about what just happened?"

I nodded. Ruby perked up as we walked to STEL's dorm. "I think we all are."

Jaune scratched his head. "They way they fought reminded me of these warriors in a story. What were they called again?"

Ren answered. "I believe they were called 'Risen' in the legends."

Jaune nodded. "That's right! They were called Risen!"

We stood before the door and Pyrrah knocked. It opened a second later to show Sam, Tia and Luke arguing. Erica stood at the door.

"Come in." She stepped to the side. That was when I noticed she had a robot floating over her shoulder. They all did, actually.

Luke stepped back from Tia and raised his hands. "I'm sorry! I didn't know they had a sniper!"

Sam took an equal step forwards. "Always assume they have snipers!"

Erica rolled her eyes and cleared her throat. The trio stopped to look at us.

Sam stood straight up. "Oh, didn't realize you were here. Let us start from the beginning." He gave a nod to Erica.

She brought all of us in and locked the door. We sat down at Sam's request (which sounded more like an order) and looked at the four.

Sam took a deep breath. "We are not who you think we are."

Nora leaned back in her seat. "Kinda figured that when you, I don't know, came back from the dead."

That got Luke several glares from his teammates. He let out a nervous chuckle.

Erica regained her composure and looked at us. "I believe it is time to show you the truth. Ghost?"

The robot that was hovering over her shoulder gloated to the center of the room and expanded to show us a picture of a city surrounded by storm. A white orb the size of a moon hovered over it.

"This is the Last Safe City on Earth. And this," the city vanished to just show the orb. I saw that it looked... broken, almost, "is the Traveller. The reason as to why it looks wounded is because it is. It sacrificed itself to push back the Darkness. At least, that is what most believe. Some think the Warmind Rasputin shot it as a way to ensure it doesn't leave Humanity for dead. But no proof has been found supporting that."

Weiss gazed at her. "What do you believe?"

"That the Traveller sacrificed itself. We all do."

Jaune asked a sensible question for once. "What is so important about the Traveller?"

Sam stepped in. "The arrival of the Traveller launched Humanity into a Golden Age for a long time, before the Collapse. What caused the Collapse was... the Darkness."

The Traveller faded away to show a churning of black. I don't know why, but it creeped me the hell out.

"It came upon us like a... like a flash flood. We had no warning, no time to prepare. It would have swallowed the entire system if the Traveller did not intervene."

The Traveller appeared in the middle of the Darkness and a bright flash pushed the shadows away as the Traveller cast off shards of itself.

"Knowing the Darkness would return, the Traveller used the last of its Light to create these."

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