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Sam's PoV:

This can't be happening.

I gazed at my fist and saw nothing. No fire, no electricity, no smoke. We were powerless. Gazing up, I saw the Traveller with that damn ship attached to it.

This can't be happening!

Six hours earlier.......

We were in orbit around Earth when a wave of fear washed over me. We sat there for some time, trying to get a signal from the City. Eventually, we chalked it up to a storm messing up the signal, so we flew down on approach.

"City Approach, this is City Hawk 723, is anyone home?"

There was nothing but static.

Ghost sighed. "Nothing, not even on the emergency frequencies. Ugh, what is going on back there?"

As I shrugged, I realized something. My hand gripped the accelerator and started to push.

"I just realized something! All the satellites are gone!"

Ghost spun around to face me. "What?!? Oh no... Hey, remember when I told you fly too fast?"

I looked at him.

"Forget I said that. Fly fast!"

Nodding, I slammed the accelerator forwards, sending my ship rocketing forwards at Mach speeds. The others followed my lead and we all froze when we saw the City burning.

"No..." Tia sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

I narrowed my eyes. "Focus! Let's end this, right now!"

Luke's ship started to bank away. "Incoming!"

Rockets hit all of our ships and we were thrown out before they crashed. I turned to look at the hole we came in from, then turned my attention forwards. My teammates were in generic white and red armor and looking down, I saw I had been put in the same suit.


"It was what I could do so suddenly. Managed to save your Khovostov, but it's badly damaged. A lot of components are destroyed and it's out of ammo."

Sighing, I saw a dead Titan, their hand on their gun. Gently taking their Traveller's Chosen, I stood up to see a Cabal burst through the wall. We swiftly killed it, then pressed on.

As we rushed to the City's aid, we heard Cayde, Ikora, and Zavala discuss the threat.

Cayde seemed chill. "Okay, my Ghost keeps tagging these Cabal as 'Red Legion'. Ikora, what do you got?"

Ikora sounded worried. "They're ruthless, efficient. And rumor has it they have never known defeat."

Zavala was all 'Zavala'-y. "Until today. Today, they face Guardians."

"But Zavala! They're attacking the Traveler!"

"The Traveler can wait! We protect our people, no matter the cost!"

The four of us rounded a corner to see Crucible Frames. Lowering our guns, we walked forwards to see dozens of civilians, all of whom were slowly bleeding. Some militia folk were trying to help them, but it seemed like some of them weren't going to make it. Down the hall, we saw Shaxx with Raze-Lighter on his back.

"Guardians! My armory is open to you! Go through the hanger and into the plaza. I'll stay here and help these civilians. If the Cabal wants war," he grabbed onto the door, bracing himself, "give them war." He pulled it open with ease and I gazed in awe.

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