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We were flying through the air thanks to those cursed launch pads Ozpin had us stand on. Below us were tree upon tree. Above us, clear skys.

Drawing a combat knife, I slammed it into a tree's trunk and changed my heading, on an intercept course with my sister. We landed next to each other, took a glance at our visors, then looked around.

"There." Tia pointed at Luke and Erica's location.

"Copy. Team, meet up at the forest temple."

"Roger." Erica began to move.

"Roger roger, chicken dinner!" Luke began to chase after Erica.

I looked at my younger sister. "Let's move, Tia."

She cracked her knuckles, then started off. Rolling my eyes, I chased after her and together, we hiked through the woods. Eventually, we saw a fire off in the distance and we looked at eachother.

"What did Luke do?"

Sprinting towards the fire, we came across an arguing Weiss and Ruby.

"It's your fault I set the forest on fire!"

I looked at Tia and she looked at me. "It wasn't Luke? Wow."

Our comment attracted the attention of Weiss. "What was that?"

Ruby looked at her partner. "What was what?"
She hugged her over-sized scythe.

Weiss slowly made her way towards Tia. "I swore I heard some thing right... here!" The girl slashed at my sister.

I didn't move because Weiss's blade was already immobilized by Tia's skilled hands. Weiss tried pulling her blade away, but Tia didn't budge. Slowly, my sister walked forwards, getting Ruby to take aim with the end of her scythe.

Walking out of the trees, Tia forced Weiss's blade and arm straight up. She was so high, Weiss's feet were barley touching the ground. Tia suddenly let Weiss go and watched as the girl fell to her butt.

"Next time, check before you swing." I came out, too.

Weiss grinned evily. "Finally! People who know how to fight!"

We turned our backs to her. "You're not replacing Ruby, kid. Let's go."

Tia nodded. "Right. Luke and Erica are probably waiting at the temple already."

We began to walk, taking note that Weiss was following us, but not Ruby. Suddenly, we stopped.

"Weiss. Shouldn't you be with your partner?"

"She's insane. She jumped on a Nevermore."

Tia and I looked at her. "Smart kid. Let the enemy do all the work."

Weiss gave us a "WTF" look and we suddenly vanished in smoke. Looking up, we saw Erica and Luke sitting on branches.

"Aaaah! I'VE BEEN FOLLOWING G-G-G-GHOSTS?!!?" Weiss ran away, her skin a sickly white.

Walking away with a cloaked Erica and Luke, we came across the forest temple. Eventually, our cloaks expired and we were visible.

"Nice one, Luke. I can just imagine Weiss's face when she realizes we cloaked."

We all highfived, then looked at the relics. They were simple chess pieces and I exhaled, annoyed.

"Of course. He uses simple chess pieces."

We walked over to a set and snagged one, the four of us grabbing black knights. Suddenly, our Ghosts picked up on some chatter at the edge of the clearing.

"Hey, Blake, think this is the place?" It was Yang.

"I guess?"

I looked at Luke and he shrugged. I glared at him.

"What? I wanna talk to Blake."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course you do, Seaweed Brain."

"Hey! Th-"

My hammer was in my hand and in the position of igniting it. He backed down and I put my hammer away. Yang and Blake eventually walked over and then crazyness happened. Soon after Yang grabbed a white knight, we all heard a girl scream.

"Uh, Guardian? That wasn't a girl...."

I let out an exasperated sigh and watched as Jaune slammed into Ruby, who was falling from the sky. A girl in pink rode in on a giant bear while her friend panted. Weiss then fell down, to which Jaune tried grabbing her but ended up being used as a cushion for the heiress. THEN, Pyrrah slid in and Yang raged out.

As all of this was happening, my team looked at each other. "We've seen weirder things, right?"

Tia nodded. "Yeah.... like that one time when we stumbled across a group of Hive break-dancing...."

"Great! Now we can die together!" Yang's words were flooded with sarcasm.

Ruby got ready to charge an over-grown scorpion, but Tia simply held her back. "Let us handle this." She gave me a nod.

Rolling my eyes, I pulled out the Iron Ghallarhorn and dropped to one knee. Focusing the sights on the scorpion, I tapped the trigger and the launcher shot up. The thing survived the first blast, but was destroyed with the Wolf Pack rounds.

Getting up, I swapped it for a legendary sniper while I grabbed my refurbished Khovostov. Us Guardians simply walked away, but our progress was cut off by a giant bird. We all moaned, but thankfully, the students took care of it, Ruby cutting the thing's head right off.

"Well then."

Feeling bored, we approached Ozpin and handed him our "relics". As we were walking back, I noticed Weiss rubbing her forehead. Erica elbowed me and flashed several numbers.

Entering the channel, Erica spoke. "The Prince is telling me he senses a familiar presence. Won't tell me who, though."

I nodded and gazed at Weiss. She's hiding something....

Tia purposefully yawned and swung her arms out, hitting me square in the visor. I glared at her and she smirked.

You are so lucky you're my sister.

Sorry for no updates in such a long time! I'll make up for it, I promise!

Remnant's GuardiansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora