The *Almost* Spilled Secret

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Sam's PoV:

We were in Port's class as we awaited the field trip info. Luke kept checking his Ace of Hearts, sister gun to Cayde's Ace of Spades, Erica filed her nails because she had nothing better to do, and Tia continuously blew bubbles with the gum in her mouth. I took to humming the Iron Song. RWBY did whatever they do when bored and after me going through the Iron Song for the hundredth time, (not kidding, I had Ghost count!) Port FINALLY told us about the trip.

"For today's field trip, you and an assigned team shall stay together as we journey deep into the woods. Grimm populate the woods, but as long as you're vigilant, nothing shall defeat you! After about a day's walk, we shall come across a small village, in which we shall stay as we spend three weeks enjoying the nature around us! On the final day, we shall head back and get picked up via Bullhead. Any questions?"

I raised my hand.

Port pointed at me, "Why, what is it, young man!"

"Are there any rules as to what we can bring?"

"Only what you are capable, and willing to, of carrying. Now, is that all?"

No more questions.

"Very well! Now let us name what team is paired with what other team!"

He grouped teams together, then he called STEL.

"Team STEL is with Team RWBY! Now, pack your bags. We leave at two in the morning!"

RWBY were shocked while us Guardians kept cool. They rushed to their dorm and we followed, chuckling at how frantic they were. Ruby gazed at her bag and Tia walked over to help. Luke helped Blake while Erica helped Weiss. Smiling, I walked up to Yang, who was fussing over her bag.

"Having a bit of a problem there?"

She jumped and looked up at me. "Huh?! Oh, y-yeah."

I knelt beside her. "What's wrong?"

"I can't fit all my clothes and other camping supplies in here! Do you know that each team is expected to bring their own tent?"

I shrugged. "Well, I know now. May I recommend you either pack less or split the items between your team?"

Yang smiled. "Thanks."

I nodded and helped her pack.

Sometime later......

It was midnight and RWBY were close to falling asleep. I noticed Ruby struggling to keep her head up and Tia tapped her.

"Ruby, if you're tired, sleep!"

She weakly raised a fist. "sleep.... means..... death...." and with that, she fell asleep.

Weiss fell asleep next to Erica, who was reading a book about the Cabal, and Luke fell asleep with Blake. Those two were actually hugging one another, which our Ghosts recorded. Yang chuckled weakly as she gazed at the two.

"They're perfect for one another, even if they try to deny it."

I nodded. "Yeah... Wait, why aren't you shocked by those cubes floating around the two?" I was referring to our Ghosts.

Yang smirked at me. "I've seen several of them in picture books. I assume you made them cause they appealed to you."

Holy crap, is that a convenient excuse or what! "Yeah, they do. Little floating robots that can make things out of thin air and store loads of data? Very useful."

Yang giggled, then................ she snuggled into me. I sat absolutely still, unsure of what to do. Ghost popped into my head.

Ghost: Looks like someone's in looooooooooooove!!!

Ghost, please, don't.

Ghost: How about this? You pick her up and carry her to the Bullhead. If she tries to make a move, I'll help you out more.

Why you little-!

Before I could finish cursing him out, Ghost flew from my head laughing. Growling, I rolled my eyes as I lifted Yang up and carried her to the Bullhead. Luke woke up with a blush and bit his lip as he lifted Blake, expecting to get teased. He will, but not now.

Erica lowered her book and brought Weiss over, too. (Oh, and I have to mention: the way Weiss was sleeping made her kinda cute and innocent looking, despite being devoid of Sol Light (at least, that's what her personality is like.)) Tia carried Ruby like a baby as she carried the bundle of red into the ship.

Once we had settled down, the ship took off.

Stand by for a boring ride.

For once I was right.

Around one hour later.

We arrived at the RV and looked around. The forest was in the middle of turning to Autumn, so some leaves were shades of green while others where shades of red, orange and yellow. I felt my Khovostov droop a little, the sheer beauty hitting me.


Luke nodded, one of his rare serious moments coming to show. "Yeah..."

I heard Erica giggle behind us while Tia cracked her knuckles. We walked ahead, walking all day and night to get to the village. Once we got there, we came across some militia who slammed the blunt ends of their spears into the ground almost simultaneously. They saluted and Port looked back at us.

"Set up camp. Tomorrow we shall rise anew!"

Luke, Tia and I glanced at Erica, grinning. She rolled her eyes, getting what we meant.

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